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CardName: Borrow Cost: 3UU Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant noncreature permanent You control enchanted permanent. Flavour Text: “A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Well, I borrowed it; I was always going to take it back.” — The Doctor, “The Big Bang” Set/Rarity: The Oncoming Storm Uncommon

Enchantment – Aura
Enchant noncreature permanent
You control enchanted permanent.
“A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Well, I borrowed it; I was always going to take it back.” — The Doctor, “The Big Bang”
Updated on 12 Aug 2012 by dude1818

Code: UU10

Active?: true

History: [-]

2012-06-16 14:35:49: dude1818 created the card Borrow
2012-06-16 14:41:38: dude1818 edited Borrow:

flavor text

2012-06-16 14:42:21: dude1818 edited Borrow

Does controller of enchantment matter all that often? This is mostly going to be Steal Artifact with a side order of land borrowing - does the land borrowing really up the cost that far?

Land borrowing is the key part. Annex costs 4, because it's both LD and mana acceleration, in the colour that should kinda get least of both of those. This needs to be more expensive than Annex.

This steals noncreature artifacts, global enchantments, lands that don't animate, and planeswalkers.

Yes, this is much fancier than Steal Artifact.

It also costs less than Confiscate, which is less restrictive, and Take Possession or Volition Reins, which are less restrictive and have a bonus.

2012-07-02 02:20:31: dude1818 moved the card Borrow from Infinite Potential Well into The Oncoming Storm
2012-08-08 23:26:37: dude1818 edited Borrow:

new name, flavor text

2012-08-12 23:32:39: dude1818 edited Borrow

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