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CardName: Hunter of Krubrec Cost: 1R Type: Creature - Minotaur Berserker Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: [Paralyze] Flavour Text: Krubrec's hunters roam the cliffs and valleys, attacking travelers both friend and foe in their frenzy. Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Common

Hunter of Krubrec
Creature – Minotaur Berserker
Krubrec's hunters roam the cliffs and valleys, attacking travelers both friend and foe in their frenzy.
Updated on 23 Apr 2012 by dude1818

History: [-]

2012-03-02 05:47:29: dude1818 created the card Hunter of Krubrec
2012-03-03 23:16:53: dude1818 edited Hunter of Krubrec

Bit of an odd mechanic for red.

Red gets "target creature can't block" often enough. Innistrad had Crossway Vampire. I knew that paralyze was good in white and blue, and I thought that in red it could easily be flavored as instilling paralyzing fear.

I thought the same at first, but now I actually like that. I agree red would normally get "target creature can't block", but this seems a reasonable alternative to it, and if you're looking for a RWU mechanic, it seems like a reasonable overlap.

I agree it's not quite traditional, but in some ways it makes more sense: "can't block" may create memory issues that "tap" doesn't have. I assume it's different to emphasise the differences between red and more manipulaty colours, but the reverse could work.

...Huh, yes, I see your point. "Tap target creature" and "target creature can't block" are virtually identical as long as it's on attack. Funny how each half feels so out of pie for the other colours even though they do virtually the same thing.

I guess it could work. I don't see why a Minotaur Beserker would have it though. The name, flavour text, and typing match up. The stats and ability really don't fit...

I've been arguing that red needs a Blinding Mage for years. I've never quite got the flavor of tapping your opponent's stuff in blue. People love to use the argument of "Blue likes to alter things" which seems fair, until you realize that the entire game is about 'altering things'.

Blue gets Regulation, and control, as well as mutation and change :)

Anyway; Paralyze is black, everyone knows that :)

2012-04-23 03:35:10: dude1818 moved the card Hunter of Krubrec from Convergence into Infinite Potential Well

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