set: Recent Activity
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Recent updates to set: (Generated at 2025-02-09 09:12:40)
Page 1 - Older activity
- 2023-08-20 05:44:26: savoe edited Ancestral Cool Stuff
- 2023-08-20 05:38:14: savoe edited Ancestral Cool Stuff
- 2023-08-20 05:37:09: savoe created the card Ancestral Cool Stuff
- 2023-08-20 05:32:30: savoe edited Excavation Taxation
- 2023-08-20 05:31:53: savoe edited Excavation Taxation
- 2023-08-20 05:30:52: savoe created the card Excavation Taxation
- 2023-08-20 05:20:21: savoe created the card Wandering Dragon
- 2023-08-20 05:13:47: savoe created the card Tear Apart
- 2023-08-14 06:07:10: savoe created the card Creeping Drownyard
- 2023-08-14 06:03:45: savoe edited WHITE RED / EXCAVATE - RARE
- 2023-08-14 06:03:32: savoe edited WHITE RED / EXCAVATE - RARE
- 2023-08-14 06:02:50: savoe edited Grakkzalope, Engine Master
- 2023-08-14 06:02:30: savoe edited WHITE RED / EXCAVATE - RARE
- 2023-08-14 05:53:22: savoe edited Goblin Engine Maker
- 2023-08-14 05:47:10: savoe edited Ever-Nimble Rot Thief
- 2023-08-14 05:46:49: savoe created the card Ever-Nimble Rot Thief
- 2023-08-14 05:42:07: savoe created the card Rattling Mercenary
- 2023-08-14 05:39:45: savoe created the card Mana Resevoir
- 2023-08-14 05:35:29: savoe edited the details page Skeleton
- 2023-08-14 05:34:24: savoe created the card Engine Core
- 2023-08-14 05:31:54: savoe edited Refinement Engine
- 2023-08-14 05:31:47: savoe edited Refinement Engine
- 2023-08-14 05:31:17: savoe created the card Refinement Engine
- 2023-08-14 05:18:19: savoe edited Sifting Engine
- 2023-08-14 05:08:28: savoe created the card Tunneling Engine
- 2023-08-14 05:04:30: savoe edited Grakkzalope, Engine Master
- 2023-08-14 05:03:53: savoe created the card Grakkzalope, Engine Master
- 2023-08-14 04:55:29: savoe created the card Blasting Engine
- 2023-08-14 04:50:09: savoe created the card Sifting Engine
- 2023-08-14 04:41:55: savoe created the card Unrefined Emerald
Page 1 - Older activity