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CardName: Ever-Nimble Rot Thief Cost: {1}{B} Type: Creature - Skeleton Monkey Pirate Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: Whenever Ever-Nimble Rot Thief deals combat damage to player, that player mills one and you create a treasure token. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: set Common

Ever-Nimble Rot Thief
Creature – Skeleton Monkey Pirate
Whenever Ever-Nimble Rot Thief deals combat damage to player, that player mills one and you create a treasure token.
Created on 14 Aug 2023 by savoe

Code: CB02


2023-08-14 05:46:49: savoe created the card Ever-Nimble Rot Thief
2023-08-14 05:47:10: savoe edited Ever-Nimble Rot Thief

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