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CC Theme Sample Cards
{w/u} Control
(Card draw; blockers; removal/counterspells etc.)
UZ01 Light Binding
CW11 Suppression Bonds
CU16 Divination

{w/b} DFC
(minor enchantment theme as a thread, we can have DFC specific enablers as well, possibly cards going to the bottom of the library instead of the graveyard)
UZ02 Starlight Wings
CW02 Oltac Lamp Lighter
CB09 Hexbound Hag

{u/b} Leaves the battlefield theme
(death, bounce and flicker)
UZ03 Psychosis Stalker

{u/r} Large instants/sorceries
(different take on U/R mana 's general spells theme; threshold CMC 4)
UZ04 Fluctuator Mage

{b/r} Cycling
(threads can be specific cycling support, cards that like discard and cards that like draw)
UZ05 Cinder Devil

{b/g} Aggro
(Tokens, small creatures, swarming)
UZ06 Barkcrack Lurker

{r/g} Discovery
(Minor take control of lands)
UZ07 Bloodsap Elf

{r/w} Voltron/Power
(Care about having a high power creature/highest power among creatures you control. Threshold: 5?)
UZ08 Solar Paladin

{w/g} +1/+1 counters
(Because it fits the themes of set and is a good way of making use of some of the mechanics)
UZ09 Sundew Shaman

{g/u} Unbound
(Tapping creatures as activation cost. Tap/Untap triggers.)
UZ10 Emori Craftmaster