I was going to pur Jenrik and Ludevic in , with Dierk and Runo Stromkirk in , Volpaig and somebody yet to be determined in , Enslow and a new Gitrog in , and Rem Karolus and Grete in .
Post your comments on Commander: Innistrad here! If your comments are on a small number of specific cards, they may
be better added to those cards. This is for comments on the set as a
Sacrifice (Unhallowed Ritual)
Zombies (Festering Ranks)
Self-Mill (Arcane Secrets)
Flashback (Vengeant Mists)
Tokens (Valiant Guardians)
Gifts of the Wild?
Is the UR commander going to be Jenrik?
I was going to pur Jenrik and Ludevic in , with Dierk and Runo Stromkirk in , Volpaig and somebody yet to be determined in , Enslow and a new Gitrog in , and Rem Karolus and Grete in .
Ah, okay.
Decklist for Festering Ranks (to be updated):
1 Enslow, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia
Creature []
1 The Gitrog Unearthed
1 Ghoulcaller
1 Polluted Dead
1 Rancid Rats
1 Crow of Dark Tidings
1 Wakedancer
Sorcery []
1 Shamble Back
1 Bone Splinters
35 Nonland Reprints
22 Nonland New Cards
35 Reprinted Lands
5 New Lands
Post your comments on Commander: Innistrad here!
If your comments are on a small number of specific cards, they may be better added to those cards. This is for comments on the set as a whole.