Multiverse Feedback: Virtual Booster

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15 random cards from the set.
You could alternatively have a booster in the usual rarity pattern.
Cards which transform from planeswalker to creature don't have a P/T box on the creature side.
Might be more toruble than it's worth – but since you often are saying "Hey; don't create a new set!" – why not have no 2Create a set" link until you've created several cards (but a "Create a card" link instead, which takes you to a 'holding' set) – and then once you've created, say, five, offer up a "Create a set (and move your cards into it)" link.
An option for cards fighting for the same slot. Not sure how the skeleton would/should display it, though.
Same card code may go against how you already coded things, but an alternative could be something like "CL05b", idk.
Oddly, choosing the artifact frame in the drop-down menu and then entering a color cost does not automatically color the card with the appropriate frame when using an alternative supertype (i.e. 'Unit', instead of 'Artifact')
When someone edits a card, they have the ability to comment on their change. I think it would be nice if there was some way to view older editions of a card as well, like on Wikipedia.
That way, you could know what I used to have as flavor text here. ;)
On many cards, the text size in the mockup at top-left is slightly smaller than the text size for the same card in the hover tooltip on the "User created Cardname" links.
Tested on several sets. Plain Text Spoiler, XML and CSV seem to work fine.
{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error"}
Web users have too many passwords. Don't make people create a new one: let them use their Google account or other OpenID provider.
It's probably been brought up and considered before, but I'd love the ability to show/hide cards of a given rarity in the Visual Spoiler, if not all relevant tabs.
When I click on my username, which previously allowed me to view all of the cardsets I've created, I now just get an error.
The card frame doesn't stay in a fixed place, and continues to float down screen.
In a cardset such as The Oncoming Storm where the default display is set to be the image, there are certain places where the mockup is still used. Most notably the hover tooltip on internal links. I should display an image if one's available and the cardset is configured to prefer images.
I haven't tried to put kicker into multiverse since the migration. However, I'm pretty sure I brought up that one would have needed to put three iterations of the ability (single mana costs, and/or dual mana costs, and other costs [discards, etc.]) into the old site to, at least, Alex via email. Heck, I may have even posted a feature enhancement for it [too lazy/unsure to check]. While I realize it may be too hard to get that down to one entry, I suggest changing the static selection of "2" in the paraneters dropdown to a more dynamic "up to 2" as a way to combine to former two. Of course, that will need some syntax that may be beyond his knowledge.
Multiverse was down for 6 days this week. Sorry.
It seems since there are no fieldnames "multipart", "link-id", "parent-id" there is no way to use the Import Data feature to import multipart cards.

DFC Planeswalker->Creature P/T (none)
Temporary set, before allowing set creation (none)
Same card codes (common)
Colored Artifact Frames (none)
Card history (common)
Inconsistent text size in mockups (common)
JSON Export does not work (none)
OpenID signup and login (common)
Sort/show by Rarity buttons in Spoiler (common)
Can't Visit User Page (none)
Frame Won't Stay Put (none)
Mockups favoured over images (common)
Kicker (common)
Downtime (none)
Import multipart cards (none)