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CardName: Mr. & Mrs. Kent Cost: {U}{T} Type: Legendary Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Save the Date September 17, 2013 Flavour Text: Help us celebrate our marriage. Surrouded by our friends and family we will renew our vows. Set/Rarity: Kent Uncommon

Mr. & Mrs. Kent
Save the Date
September 17, 2013
Help us celebrate our marriage.
Surrouded by our friends and family we will renew our vows.
Created on 01 May 2012 by amanda

History: [-]

2012-05-01 20:18:59: amanda created the card Mr. & Mrs. Kent

You sure do plan ahead.

awesome! congrats. love the tap symbol in the mana cost

What exactly would that indicate? I meant, what would you tap?

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