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CardName: Wile E Coyote Cost: 1wbr Type: Legendary Creature - Dog Arsonist Pow/Tgh: 3/1 Rules Text: Myriad Whenever a creature leaves the battlefield, you may shuffle that many bomb in any opponent's library. When this creature dies, return it to the battlefield tapped and transformed under its owner’s control. Flavour Text: Back side: CardName: Red Dead Redemption Cost: Type: Legendary Desert Land - Plain Mountain Swamp Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {t}: {w}, {b} or {r}. {1}{w}{b}{r}, {t}: Transform this land. Activate only if you dealt 5 or more damage this turn and only as a sorcery. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Commandere Off-colored Mythic

Wile E Coyote
Legendary Creature – Dog Arsonist
Whenever a creature leaves the battlefield, you may shuffle that many bomb in any opponent's library.
When this creature dies, return it to the battlefield tapped and transformed under its owner’s control.
Red Dead Redemption
Legendary Desert Land – Plain Mountain Swamp
{t}: {w}, {b} or {r}.
{1}{w}{b}{r}, {t}: Transform this land. Activate only if you dealt 5 or more damage this turn and only as a sorcery.
Updated on 30 Nov 2024 by Kael

History: [-]

2024-11-27 03:27:59: Kael created the card Wile E Coyote
2024-11-27 03:28:18: Kael edited Wile E Coyote

undying with the ixalan god clause is a bit clunky. Why not give it haste and first strike instead (the god clause is already kinda undying). And for the second line, I really like the way they worded kharn the betrayer with ''whenever you loose control'' because it works with leave the battlefield but also threaten (and theres a lot of that in the set) so maybe have it be: ''whenever you loose control of a creature, shuffle a bomb in target opponent's library''

2024-11-30 04:06:06: Kael edited Wile E Coyote

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