Pyrulea (Branch 2): Comments

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Okay, so here's how I'm organizing things. Some of the cards that I post in general here are a brainstorm, at least at first, that could apply to either this or the main Pyrulea set in developement at ( Half or more of them are likely to be abandoned or shot down, and that's fine, as this is in a somewhat experimental stage. It's all part of the process. Much of everything is provisional at the moment. At the same time, some of these ideas are really ultimately best meant for a follow-up set that completes some of the cycles from the prior one and explores the themes and possibilities in different ways.

So I have set up a basic skeleton meant to represent a 2nd Pyrulea set linked to the first one, only with some definitive lands and an artifact put in it at the moment. Definitive stuff like: A cycle of dual lands for each faction that completes the cycle with Horizon Canopy, and a colorless land and a multicolor land with the new Unbound.

Otherwise, cards I post will continue to be a brainstorm session generally. Anything further that ends up in the skeleton will only be after exploring some things and deciding on how to best impliment the already existing Pyrulea mechanics, making structural decisions, and maybe come up with some consensus on a new mechanic for a 2nd set.

Post your comments on Pyrulea (Branch 2) here!
If your comments are on a small number of specific cards, they may be better added to those cards. This is for comments on the set as a whole.

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