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CardName: Misinstantiate Cost: {4}{U}{U} Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Tap target permanent. Return target permanent to its owner's hand. Put target permanent on top of its owner's library. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: LibraryPlane Rare

Tap target permanent.
Return target permanent to its owner's hand.
Put target permanent on top of its owner's library.
Updated on 22 Aug 2011 by Putnam

Code: RU08

History: [-]

2011-08-21 23:23:02: Putnam created the card Misinstantiate

FWIW, Whiplash Trap could bounce two permanents for 5 mana with the option to make it 1 mana. Plow Under could put two permanents on top of a library for 5 mana (although it was very obnoxious). So this could probably be six mana.

I think the wording would more usually be phrased as "Tap target permanent. Return target permanent to its owner's hand. Put target permanent on top of its owner's library." Add a couple of "another"s if you really don't want them doing it when there aren't enough permanents on the board (somehow).

2011-08-22 21:56:27: Putnam edited Misinstantiate

Thanks for the development and templating help. But now I have my doubts about this card. I don't want to recall plow under, and I feel like the word 'misinstantiate' should only target one permanent.

You have cool card names. Just saying.

Thanks! Actually, deserves a lot of the credit (although, it has led me astray from time to time). Also, I steal a lot. Misinstantiate, chase beginnings, and a few others were lifted from a paper on Wittgenstein I was made to read. I don't think I've found the right effect to match this name though. I'm thinking of changing it to a polymorph variant targeting sorceries.

Basing a magic set on Wittgenstein is probably more awesome :)

Ha! Now THAT'S a set I'd like to see. Not that I'd understand it (unfortunately the most I can bring to a discussion of Wittgenstein is "ooo, 'chase beginnings', that's a pretty phrase"). But it'd be cool to get to say things like "I counter your Transcendental Quietism with my Immanent First-Order Logic" or equivalent gibberish. Fingers crossed for a linguistic turn theme in Innistrad!

Just a note: Polymorph variant for sorceries has been printed as Spellshift.

I should have figured they'd have already made a polysorc. But then I'd want a polymorph effect that could reasonably be used on opponents; my picture of the spell involves messing with someone else's casting. Maybe I'll make it a crazy counterspell with an awkward 'can only target spells cast by opponents' clause.

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