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CardName: Atemporalize Cost: {3}{U} Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant Creature. When Atemporalize enters the battlefield, tap enchanted creature. Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller's untap step. Enchanted creature is indestructible. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: LibraryPlane Common

Enchantment – Aura
Enchant Creature.
When Atemporalize enters the battlefield, tap enchanted creature.
Enchanted creature does not untap during its controller's untap step.
Enchanted creature is indestructible.
Updated on 21 Aug 2011 by Putnam

Code: CU16

History: [-]

2011-08-21 04:28:21: Putnam created the card Atemporalize

Here's Blue's pseudo-removal. Plus I took the awkward flavour from one of my old creatures and put it here. I think it's a little less awkward this time around, since if you're outside of time, then you're outside of all causal determination (well, there are a few conceptions of causality that aren't essentially temporal, but they're weird), which means indestructible.

Plus, there's some flexibility here: play this on your Swarm of Monads, use atomistic metaphysic to untap it, and you have an indestructible blocker.

As I understand it, Wizards has decided that indestructible shouldn't show up at common (apparently withstand death was a mistake), but oh well, I can't get everything right.

The flavor is definitely blue, even if the abilities aren't, really.
This should read "Enchant creature. When CARDNAME enters the battlefield, tap enchanted creature. Enchanted creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step. Enchanted creature is indestructible."
Possibly all of those should go on separate lines. Icky. Still, I like the flavor quite a bit.

2011-08-21 05:06:58: Putnam edited Atemporalize:

fixed thanks to L2iOnOk7

Thanks for the templating help. I suspected something was off, but I had no idea how to fix it. And of course, I always forget the 'enchant creature'.

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