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CardName: Clifftop Herd Cost: 1R Type: Creature - Goat Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Mountainwalk Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Eragon Common

Clifftop Herd
Creature – Goat
Updated on 26 Feb 2015 by Samuel


History: [-]

2015-02-10 15:17:43: Samuel created the card Clifftop Herd

Red doesn't get Grizzly Bears. Make this a 2/1?

2015-02-10 18:42:23: Samuel edited Clifftop Herd

Wait, mono red has 29 Grizzly Bears though

By "Grizzly Bear," Alex means creatures with a mana cost of {1}{r} and a power and toughness of 2/2, without any drawbacks. I did the same Gatherer search you likely did: Searching for red creatures with power, toughness, and CMC 2. When you look at that list, remove from it all cards with a mana cost of {r}{r}. Then remove all cards with drawbacks. The only bear I see with an upside for red is Frazzled Editor from Unhinged, and there are no vanilla bears.

Why do you have to remove those with cost {r}{r}?

Because CC is allowed to have more powerful cards than 1C, since it requires more color commitment and therefore is more difficult to cast. A bear is by definition a vanilla 2/2 creature for 1C, and red does not get that.


Yeah, red is definitely allowed 2/2 for {r}{r}. Every colour gets 2/2 for CC - the Izzet Guildmage cycle provides precedent there, though even blue had it from much earlier in Lord of Atlantis. But red and blue don't get 2/2 for {1}{r} / {1}{u} without a drawback. (Frazzled Editor is pretty weird like that. Who knew Un-sets had better vanillas than anywhere else?)

Oh... while we're talking exceptions, I guess I should also mention Lore Seeker. Which can be played in any deck as a Grizzly Bear (that can be Shattered). Because the Conspiracy team decided it wasn't going to break Legacy like that, which is after all true.

2015-02-26 23:16:53: Samuel edited Clifftop Herd

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