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CardName: Savage Outcast Cost: RG Type: Creature - Human Rogue Pow/Tgh: 3/1 Rules Text: Haste Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Eragon Common

Savage Outcast
Creature – Human Rogue
Updated on 25 Feb 2015 by Samuel


History: [-]

2015-02-09 21:35:19: Samuel created the card Savage Outcast

I think that the only color other than green that searches for lands and puts them onto the battlefield is white, and only in the case of things like Knight of the White Orchid. Even then, white tends to only search for Plains.
This could easily be a {r}{g} card with some sort of bonus to make up for the drawback, or a {r}{g} Rampant Growth with a minor upside.

2015-02-11 20:03:32: Samuel edited Savage Outcast

Ooh. Okay, any land. Sylvan Scrying onto the battlefield. Nice. Green does get to do that, occasionally - Reap and Sow, Primeval Titan - but it makes sense that to do it this cheaply it'd need help from another colour.

2015-02-25 01:32:48: Samuel edited Savage Outcast

This seems to have been an entirely different card before...?

Yep, just didn't delete the comments. Making some noncreature cards creatures because I don't have a high enough creature to spell ratio.

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