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CardName: Sakashima the PW Cost: 1UU Type: Planeswalker - Sakashima Pow/Tgh: /3 Rules Text: [+2] Sakashima the PW gains the name of another target permanent. (This effect is permanent) [0] Sakashima the PW gains all activated abilities of another target permanent that shares a name with it until the end of turn. [-7] You get an emblem that says "Each permanent gains all activated abilities of each other permanent that share a name with it." Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Names Matter 1 Mythic

Sakashima the PW
Planeswalker – Sakashima
+2 Sakashima the PW gains the name of another target permanent. (This effect is permanent)
0 Sakashima the PW gains all activated abilities of another target permanent that shares a name with it until the end of turn.
-7 You get an emblem that says "Each permanent gains all activated abilities of each other permanent that share a name with it."
Updated on 23 Jan 2015 by 10vernothin

Code: MU03

History: [-]

2015-01-21 19:14:41: 10vernothin created the card Sakashima the PW
2015-01-21 19:15:08: 10vernothin edited Sakashima the PW

The second ability overwrites the first, making it so that you wouldn't want to use the second if you were trying to build him up to be useful with his own ultimate.

2015-01-21 20:11:58: 10vernothin edited Sakashima the PW

Fun! Pity it doesn't actually do anything until the turn after you cast it, though. And even then only if you've got an activated ability that's powerful enough to be worth doubling even by giving up 3 loyalty counters. I think the [-3] should either be permanent (not temporary), or cost [0].

2015-01-22 18:19:23: 10vernothin edited Sakashima the PW

Looks good. The other thing I'd say is that ultimate is way too expensive, given that all it does is distribute your activated abilities around the board. Now that does mean that a bunch of your lands can start gaining planeswalker loyalty abilities, and all sorts of weird things can happen, but it doesn't obviously impact the board directly; you need to build your deck and board to make it work. So I think the ultimate could be as cheap as [-5] (given that it's best activated when this guy will still be around afterwards).

2015-01-23 10:54:24: 10vernothin edited Sakashima the PW

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