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CardName: Sinking Sands Cost: Type: Land - Plains Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: ({t}: Add {W} to your mana pool.) Sinking Sands enters the battlefield tapped unless you reveal a non-white, non-land card from your hand. {w}, {t}: Put a Warp counter on target land. Lands that have Warp counters on them are Plains in addition to their other types. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ma'at Breached Rare

Sinking Sands
Land – Plains
({t}: Add {w} to your mana pool.)
Sinking Sands enters the battlefield tapped unless you reveal a non-white, non-land card from your hand.
{w}, {t}: Put a Warp counter on target land.
Lands that have Warp counters on them are Plains in addition to their other types.
Updated on 02 Jun 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: RL01

History: [-]

2014-05-10 19:31:07: 10vernothin created the card Sinking Sands
2014-05-10 19:31:25: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands

Seems a bit too good. This is better than Vivid Meadow in about four ways, and the Vivid lands were extensively played in tournament decks of the era.

Yeah, wow.

This enters the battlefield tapped if you.. I guess if you emptied your hand. And it makes wildcard mana sufficiently often that it running out hardly seems worth couting.

2014-05-12 03:20:27: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands


Changed: You can only use its ability twice now before becoming just a plains. (or three times if you want to lose the land)

Changed: tapping becomes part of the cost, sacrifice becomes part of the resolved ability.

2014-05-12 03:22:42: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands

Yeah, that's a bit better. It's still better than Vivid Meadow in... let's see...

  1. It can ETB untapped (and usually will)
  2. It can be searched by Arid Mesa and many other things
  3. After drawing rainbow from it twice, you can still tap-sac it for a third rainbow mana

I keep coming back to the way the Vivid lands were really really good. I mean, they're staples in Casual, and they were format-defining in tournaments - a large proportion of control decks played them, and thus were able to splash whatever colours of mana they wanted. I keep wondering why you think the Vivid lands needed an upgrade at all, let alone such a powerful upgrade as this?

Should I point out the fact that it's a bit long? It's a bit long. I know you know this, and decided that's okay. But from the point of view of someone reading this card... it looks like two cards, perfectly good in their own separate ways, got stapled together.

I mean, the card this card feel like it wants to be is a dual land that etb tapped unless you produced one of the other three colors. That's still very, very powerful... but at least infers that you're playing with a three color deck...

Oh, nice idea. Glacial Fortress and friends (particularly Wanderwine Hub) suggest that dual lands that ETBT unless (some fairly easy condition) are fair; that's a very nice tweak on the idea.

If someone were to play this block, playing two, three, even four colors would be the norm. Monocolor cards will be more about using the splash.

This land I'm going for:

a) Must have at least one basic land type, since basic land type matters in this block

b) Must be able to tap for different colored mana some time in their lives.

c) has a "ETBT unless..." clause

This set actually encourages you to play 4 colors, but xD

2014-05-12 17:59:46: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands
2014-05-12 18:02:56: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands:

Changed the lands to be a spreading seas type of land. Each land has a static ability that modifies lands with warp counters on them. Therefore a land with a warp counter on it can tap for all five mana if all five of these lands are present. I don't know if I should make them legendary. They don't sound legendary.

2014-05-12 18:02:57: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands:

Changed the lands to be a spreading seas type of land. Each land has a static ability that modifies lands with warp counters on them. Therefore a land with a warp counter on it can tap for all five mana if all five of these lands are present. I don't know if I should make them legendary. They don't sound legendary.

2014-05-12 18:11:03: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands

New Land:

Spreading seas - ETB effect puts a warp counter on land, that land is affected by a global effect that is stated on the land.

ETBT unless you reveal non-C, non-L card.

Still a plains

2014-05-12 18:14:06: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands
2014-05-20 04:28:52: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands
2014-06-02 03:48:32: 10vernothin edited Sinking Sands

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