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CardName: Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent Cost: {1}{U/B}{U/B} Type: Legendary Creature - Human Advisor Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: You have no maximum handsize. Whenever Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent deals damage to a player, you may have that player discard two cards and you may draw two cards. {u/b}{u/b}, Discard a card at random: Cleokhara gains hexproof and can't be blocked this turn. Flavour Text: "Beyond a reasonable doubt that our Royal Family has failed Ma'at, and we must right the wrong that they have wrought." Set/Rarity: Ma'at Breached Mythic

Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent
Legendary Creature – Human Advisor
You have no maximum handsize.
Whenever Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent deals damage to a player, you may have that player discard two cards and you may draw two cards.
{u/b}{u/b}, Discard a card at random: Cleokhara gains hexproof and can't be blocked this turn.
"Beyond a reasonable doubt that our Royal Family has failed Ma'at, and we must right the wrong that they have wrought."
Updated on 25 Nov 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: MH02

History: [-]

2014-03-28 21:36:55: 10vernothin created and commented on the card Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent

A new Sanctum High Priestess takes over after the original one went into hiding, this one spread the rumors and convinced the populace that the Royal House committed sins and takes leadership role as the Queen regent and holds a crisis meeting to find out what needs to be done at the royal palace.

Obviously as the High Priestess, she's privy to the True nature of planes, and are familiar with planeswalkers, who has regularly breached Ma'at and had traveled between Realities for millenia, but is puzzled at why it only happened now. She'll need to be careful at this truth though, because of above reason stated.


2014-03-28 21:37:20: 10vernothin edited Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent
2014-03-31 20:50:55: 10vernothin edited Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent
2014-04-02 21:41:55: 10vernothin edited Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent
2014-04-29 07:23:14: 10vernothin edited Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent
2014-11-21 06:25:10: 10vernothin edited Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent
2014-11-25 03:29:03: 10vernothin edited Cleokhara, Sanctum Regent

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