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What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Serra's Voice Cost: {4}{W}{W} Type: Legendary Creature - Human Cleric Pow/Tgh: 3/6 Rules Text: Protection from instants and sorceries. Black creatures lose flying. Whenever you cast a spell you may exile the top card of your library, if you do you gain X life, where X is equal to that spell's converted mana cost. Flavour Text: The Voice is one of the few clerics of the multiverse I would trust to fight evil - and poverty. - A Guide to Ulgrotha Vol. III Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Rare

Serra's Voice
Legendary Creature – Human Cleric
Protection from instants and sorceries.
Black creatures lose flying.
Whenever you cast a spell you may exile the top card of your library, if you do you gain X life, where X is equal to that spell's converted mana cost.
The Voice is one of the few clerics of the multiverse I would trust to fight evil – and poverty. – A Guide to Ulgrotha Vol. III
Updated on 06 Mar 2017 by aether_tech

History: [-]

2013-02-12 03:53:59: aether_tech created the card Serra's Voice

I think that protection from multiple qualities has to be worded "Protection from Quality 1 and from Quality 2." See Baneslayer Angel for reference.
It seems like a bit of an odd ability for white, but white is the color of odd protections. The only creature with a similar protection is Petrified Wood-Kin, which is green.

Technically, there isn't much difference between "Protection from Instants and from Sorceries" and "Protection from spells." I'm sure there's a couple exceptions.

It's a tricky problem. Protection from spells looks so much more powerful. But a lot of people don't really know the difference between a spell and a permanent...

Protection from spells would save this from Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre's cast trigger...

"Protection from spells" would be very confusing and best avoided. Negative Auras are another big category of spells that matter here.

2017-03-06 05:50:15: aether_tech edited Serra's Voice:

never really liked this card....removed the stat decrease for black creatures, they just lose flying now. Cost to 4WW now. Removed shuffle into library effect, added 3rd trigger ability.

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