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What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Serra Disciple Cost: {W} Type: Creature - Human Pow/Tgh: 0/2 Rules Text: When Serra Disciple enters the battlefield or dies you gain 2 life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Common

Serra Disciple
Creature – Human
When Serra Disciple enters the battlefield or dies you gain 2 life.
Updated on 10 Mar 2017 by aether_tech

History: [-]

2013-02-12 03:52:47: aether_tech created the card Serra Disciple
2013-02-12 04:06:03: aether_tech edited Serra Disciple

This guy is so, so weak. Check Valiant Guard, Wall of Hope, or (looking at Homelands era) Icatian Moneychanger.

or Hound of Konda.

Guys, remember to think Flavor First. Disciple's of Serra most likely pray all day and don't own swords.

Yeah, that's fine. But this guy is strictly worse than Ornithopter! Maybe gain 3 life etb or beef it to 0/5?

I'll compromise, etb 2 life and dies 2 life.

2013-02-18 01:30:03: aether_tech edited Serra Disciple

I don't think the argument "think flavour first" works. It's possible to have very flavourful cards that are still on a fair power-level. Yes, it's tricky to get them both flavourful and appropriately powered, but that's the challenge of custom set design.

(BTW, you may like to note that most people who turn up on Multiverse with a bunch of cards tend to get people saying "this is way too strong compared to XYZ". It's somewhat refreshing to get to say "this is way too weak compared to XYZ" instead ;) )

One more note to BKM and Joz: if you enclose a card's name in [[[triple square brackets]]], it'll automatically turn into a link with a hover preview, like this: Ornithopter. That's for cards printed by Wizards; to do the same for cards in your set, you use (((triple round brackets))), like this: Serra Disciple.

You could simplify this into one line of text. "When ~ ETBs or dies, you gain 2 life."

Noted, and done.

2013-09-11 02:49:02: aether_tech edited Serra Disciple

I'm not a native speaker, but I don't think that "discipline" is used to reference people. So... "Serra Acolyte" instead? Also, maybe you should add in the "Cleric" type?

EDIT: Somehow confused the words "disciple" and "discipline"

Disciple is a perfectly useful english word for student/follower. Acolyte is a similar meaning, but has overtones of structure/organisation.

lol. "English." She's a funny language.

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