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CardName: Change of Shift Cost: 1u Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Return target creature you control to your hand. The next creature spell you cast this turn costs {3} less to cast. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Haith Common

Change of Shift
Return target creature you control to your hand. The next creature spell you cast this turn costs {3} less to cast.
Updated on 22 Jan 2013 by raggarn12345

History: [-]

2013-01-20 20:46:51: raggarn12345 created the card Change of Shift
2013-01-20 20:52:26: raggarn12345 edited Change of Shift

Huh. Nice name, weird card. It should probably say, "The next creature spell you cast this turn costs {3} less to cast," since memory issues are something to be avoided, and if you don't cast a creature spell until two turns later for some reason, you and your opponent may have forgotten about this card.
This is like fast mana for creatures in blue, though, which seems dangerous and strange.

hehe Thanks i think you got the flavor, first there wasn't any mana addition. But that just made the card wierd. And i know cards like that exist but i don't really like them :D ill change the text.

2013-01-22 14:27:19: raggarn12345 edited Change of Shift

It feels like a polymorph to me; so it's fine to be blue in my opinion. It's also really useful to use as a bounce spell to protect your creatures. (Ack! Unsummon that! Phew! Now, recast, um, the same creature, why not?)

A nifty blue Unsummon variant. Although it still has a template issue when combined with Control Magic etc. (you probably shouldn't be allowed to put their creature into your hand) but assuming that's fixed, it seems fine.

Oh creature you own then?

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