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CardName: Insane Command Cost: 3UB Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Espionage (This costs {1} less to cast for each creature you control that dealt combat damage to an opponent this turn.) Counter target spell. the controller of that spell discards a card. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Haith Common

Insane Command
Espionage (This costs {1} less to cast for each creature you control that dealt combat damage to an opponent this turn.)
Counter target spell. the controller of that spell discards a card.
Created on 18 Jan 2013 by raggarn12345


2013-01-18 22:25:15: raggarn12345 created the card Insane Command

It seems weird to put Spionage on a counterspell, since control mainly wants to be countering things during an opponent's turn. Before GTC was spoiled, I also would have said that unconditional counters should have {u}{u} in their mana cost... but then Gatecrash changed my mind about that with Psychic Strike.

Yeah i wanted to have more then 1 counterspell on Common. And i thought that it would be intresting having Insane Command in this set. Just think that you meet someone who plays blue black, and he hit you for like 2 damage and have 6 mana up. And then he play a good threat, but you aint sure, he could be able to counterspell you. But only if he had an Insane Command in hand. This was the kind of feeling i wanted to give the card, giving player paranoia and as U/B you can also play like you have an insane command by attacking with some creatures and leave mana up when you play a card :D

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