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CardName: Goblin Vermin Tosser Cost: 2R Type: Creature - Goblin Warrior Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: Flying When Goblin Vermin Tosser deals combat damage to an opponent, deal 1 damage to all non-flying creatures that player controls. Flavour Text: The goblin word for "throwing diseased rats" is also the word for "flying". Set/Rarity: Mashup: the Gathering Alpha Uncommon

Goblin Vermin Tosser
Creature – Goblin Warrior
When Goblin Vermin Tosser deals combat damage to an opponent, deal 1 damage to all non-flying creatures that player controls.
The goblin word for "throwing diseased rats" is also the word for "flying".
Updated on 10 Aug 2012 by jmgariepy

Code: UR07

Active?: true

History: [-]

2012-08-09 04:19:23: jmgariepy created the card Goblin Vermin Tosser
2012-08-09 04:20:50: jmgariepy edited Goblin Vermin Tosser

Random generator gave me Goblin Sky Raider and Infected Vermin. This popped in my head... I don't know... based on the story of those two cards together, more than based upon a combination of their two abilities. Otherwise, I suppose, you would have just got "a bunch of stinkin' flying rats", and who wants that?

This is one of the all-time best flavour texts on Multiverse.

2012-08-10 03:15:58: jmgariepy moved the card Goblin Vermin Tosser from Mashup: the Gathering Workbench into Mashup: the Gathering Alpha
2012-08-10 03:16:35: jmgariepy edited Goblin Vermin Tosser

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