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CardName: Faerie Miscreant Cost: u Type: Creature - Faerie Rogue Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Flying When Faerie Miscreant enters the battlefield, if you control another creature named Faerie Miscreant, draw a card. Flavour Text: reprint/placeholder. a great basic creature but feel free to replace it! Set/Rarity: QPF Common

Faerie Miscreant
Creature – Faerie Rogue
When Faerie Miscreant enters the battlefield, if you control another creature named Faerie Miscreant, draw a card.
reprint/placeholder. a great basic creature but feel free to replace it!
Updated on 07 Apr 2024 by Qube

Code: CU11


2024-04-06 18:53:10: Qube created the card Faerie Miscreant
2024-04-06 19:11:10: Qube edited Faerie Miscreant
2024-04-07 08:06:23: Qube edited Faerie Miscreant

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