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CardName: Heavenly Host Cost: 3W Type: Artifact Creature - Angel Construct Pow/Tgh: 3/2 Rules Text: Flying {W}: Heavenly Host gains first strike until end of turn. Flavour Text: “Information: You are all going to die.” — Heavenly Host, “Voyage of the Damned” Set/Rarity: The Oncoming Storm Common

Heavenly Host
Artifact Creature – Angel Construct
{w}: Heavenly Host gains first strike until end of turn.
“Information: You are all going to die.” — Heavenly Host, “Voyage of the Damned”
Updated on 12 Aug 2012 by dude1818

Code: CW07

Active?: true

History: [-]

2012-01-15 20:10:40: dude1818 created the card Heavenly Host
2012-01-15 20:36:57: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host
2012-01-21 03:08:32: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host

­Silverclaw Griffin sadly obsoletes this. If you care, that could be prevented by a 1-point bump to toughness, or changing the cost to {4}{w}.

2012-02-21 01:50:28: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host

Ooh. Or dropping it to {3}{w}. That's quite spicy now. Significantly stronger than Assault Griffin, but probably not quite overpowered.

2012-02-26 02:35:35: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host
2012-06-21 21:50:50: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host
2012-07-14 21:24:55: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host
2012-08-12 19:25:37: dude1818 edited Heavenly Host

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