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CardName: Dispel Magick 9 Cost: 6WWW Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Destroy target tapped non-white creatures with a total converted mana cost of up to 9. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: From The Vaults Mythic

Dispel Magick 9
Destroy target tapped non-white creatures with a total converted mana cost of up to 9.
Updated on 25 Sep 2011 by theunansweredquestion

History: [-]

2011-09-25 20:49:57: theunansweredquestion created the card Dispel Magick 9
2011-09-25 20:50:35: theunansweredquestion edited Dispel Magick 9

Pity about the "tapped" restriction. For a mythic sorcery, I think the card would be OK without that bit. Otherwise very cool, and a mechanic that's not been done before.

This targets any number of creatures with total CMC nine, right? I like it.

Well, tapped fits into the whole flavor thing of the challenge. Otherwise, if I might say so without seeming unhumble, I like it too. Thanks!

Oh, and L2i0n0k7, you are correct.

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