(CW01) |
Creature |
Human, 1/1 human token on death if you control an Angel |
(CW02) |
Creature |
Human, whenever an Angel ETB, you gain 1 life |
(CW03) |
Creature |
Angel, medium stats, flying, Beseech |
(CW04) |
Creature |
Bird, flying, small |
(CW05) |
Creature |
Angel, small stats, first strike and flying |
(CW06) |
Creature |
Elf, Gain 1 life on ETB and death of creatures |
(CW07) |
Creature |
Elf, Vanilla |
(CW08) |
Creature |
Spirit, flying, create spirit tokens on death |
(CW09) |
Creature |
Spirit, Vanilla |
(CW10) |
Creature |
Tokens on entry, medium body, vigilance, rebirth, elf |
(CW11) |
Creature |
Tokens triggered effect, Spirit? |
(CW12) |
Artifact |
Equipment, Token on entry, bonus if you control an angel |
(CW13) |
Enchantment |
Aura, Flying, cantrip, beseech |
(CW14) |
Enchantment |
Aura, pacifism, rebirth |
(CW15) |
Instant |
Rebound, survivor's cache style effect |
(CW16) |
Sorcery |
Destroy tapped creature |
(CW17) |
Sorcery |
Tokens, rebound |
(UW01) |
Creature |
Clanmage |
(UW02) |
Creature |
Human, Angel spells cost less, Angel-Pump/Token-Maker |
(UW03) |
Creature |
Spirit, flying, invoke, tap-effect |
(UW04) |
Creature |
Spirit, other creatures with flying get +0/+1, flying |
(UW05) |
Creature |
Angel, 3/3 serra angel, other creatures with flying get +1/+0, beseech |
(UW06) |
Creature |
Human, puts a +1/+1 counter on a creature when it or another creature ETB, gain life whenever an Angel ETB |
(UW07) |
Creature |
Elf, creates 2 elf tokens on entry and attack |
(UW08) |
Enchantment |
Creatures you control with flying have Ward 2, beseech |
(UW09) |
Instant |
Rebound, spirit tokens, cantrip |
(UW10) |
Instant |
Exile spell, beseech |
(RW01) |
Creature |
Legendary creature, Angel, Cycle of Legends, enemy-color support, powerful, beseech |
(RW02) |
Creature |
Human, can create angel tokens, either gains a benefit from controlling angels or gives a benefit to angels |
(RW03) |
Creature |
Spirit, invoke, gain 2 life, if you've gained life three or more times this turn, draw a card |
(RW04) |
Instant |
Tokens, Rebound, create a small token for each creature you control, ex. 2 on first cast - end up with 4, on rebound 8; maybe tap them as additional cost?, part of a cycle (scaling effect with rebound) |
(RW05) |
Enchantment |
permanent exile effect, with an ixalan's binding effect as long as the enchantment is on the battlefield, the permanent is not returned on destruction, maybe use flash and let it hit spells as well |
(MW01) |
Planeswalker |
(CU01) |
Creature |
Naga, unblockable |
(CU02) |
Creature |
Werewolf, Freeze effect on entry, 0 power front, medium back |
(CU03) |
Creature |
Naga, Ambush, -X/-0 on entry |
(CU04) |
Creature |
Naga, vanilla |
(CU05) |
Creature |
Werewolf, scry on transformation, small front, medium back |
(CU06) |
Creature |
Spirit, flying, Invoke |
(CU07) |
Creature |
Spirit, small, draw on enter, virtual vanilla |
(CU08) |
Artifact |
'Wishing Well' style artifact, Invoke effect to give a creature -2/-0 UEOT. (maybe add loot instead) |
(CU09) |
Artifact |
Equipment, boosted effect with revelation |
(CU10) |
Enchantment |
Aura, small buff, unblockability with revelation |
(CU11) |
Enchantment |
Aura, +1/+0, Saboteur effect, Ambush |
(CU12) |
Enchantment |
Aura, Dehydrate, Tap it if you have revelation |
(CU13) |
Instant |
Rebound, Freeze 1 and draw 1 |
(CU14) |
Instant |
Rebound, Bounce |
(CU15) |
Instant |
Negate |
(CU16) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, card draw |
(CU17) |
Sorcery |
Mass freeze |
(UU01) |
Creature |
Clanmage |
(UU02) |
Creature |
Sabotuer-draw and discard effect, werewolf, better sabotuer draw effect on back side (draw and discard 2) |
(UU03) |
Creature |
Spirit, invoke, draw, flying |
(UU04) |
Creature |
Naga, unblockable, draw on damage, ambush |
(UU05) |
Enchantment |
Revelation, give creatures a small-boost on combat (maybe just +1/+0 or +0/+1), give werewolves and wolves ward 2 |
(UU06) |
Enchantment |
Ambush, aura, big saboteur, can't be countered |
(UU07) |
Instant |
Rebound, grant unblockability and hexproof UEOT |
(UU08) |
Instant |
Hard-Counter, cancel with synergy, loot with counter |
(UU09) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, flying across multiple creatures ueot, cantrip |
(UU10) |
Artifact |
cumber stone effect, freezes creatures an opponent taps, sac to draw |
(RU01) |
Creature |
Legendary, part of cycle, Werewolf, Card draw effect, additional draw ability |
(RU02) |
Creature |
Naga, ambush and hexproof, discard a card to make it unblockable that turn, saboteur effect to scry and draw |
(RU03) |
Enchantment |
Revelation, cost reduction on all non-creature spells as long as revelation is active |
(RU04) |
Instant |
Rebound, part of a cycle (scaling effect with rebound), 'draw a card, then draw a card for each card in your hand, if you cast this spell from exile, you have no maximum hand size' |
(RU05) |
Instant |
Disallow, maybe add some kind of upside? |
(MU01) |
Creature |
(MU02) |
Sorcery |
Extra Turn |
(CB01) |
Creature |
Human, each opponent loses 1 life whenever you cast an angel |
(CB02) |
Creature |
Human, small, vanilla |
(CB03) |
Creature |
Elf, small, Vanilla |
(CB04) |
Creature |
Elf, virtual vanilla, mini drain on entry |
(CB05) |
Creature |
Elf, Rebirth |
(CB06) |
Creature |
Naga, vanilla |
(CB07) |
Creature |
Naga, menace |
(CB08) |
Creature |
Naga, Ambush |
(CB09) |
Enchantment |
Weigh Down style effect, Aura |
(CB10) |
Enchantment |
+X/-X effect, Ambush |
(CB11) |
Instant |
Rebound, target creature gets -3/-2 UEOT |
(CB12) |
Instant |
Beseech, creature destruction |
(CB13) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, Draw 2 and lose 2 life |
(CB14) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, Discard one, higher price to balance rebound |
(CB15) |
Sorcery |
Duress style |
(CB16) |
Sorcery |
Kill spell |
(CB17) |
Sorcery |
Mind Rot-effect |
(UB01) |
Creature |
Clanmage |
(UB02) |
Creature |
Angel, flying, deathtouch, lifelink, beseech |
(UB03) |
Creature |
Elf, mill on entry, menace, cheap aggro |
(UB04) |
Creature |
Naga, deathtouch, ambush |
(UB05) |
Enchantment |
High cost, creatures you don't control get -2/-1 |
(UB06) |
Instant |
Rebound, choose to destroy a creature or have an opponent discard a card |
(UB07) |
Instant |
Murder + cantrip, beseech |
(UB08) |
Sorcery |
Sign in blood effect |
(UB09) |
Sorcery |
Multi-murder that costs 1 less for each 1 life a player lost this turn |
(UB10) |
Sorcery |
Player reveals their hand and discard two cards chosen, beseech |
(RB01) |
Creature |
Legendary, part of cycle, Elf, Rebirth, powerful |
(RB02) |
Creature |
Angel, death's shadow effect to a lesser degree, flying, menace, haste, activated ability, beseech |
(RB03) |
Enchantment |
Deal with the devil, Ambush, draw on entry, whenever you cast a spell, you lose life equal to the number of spells you've cast, first spell=1, second=2, etc. |
(RB04) |
Instant |
Rebound, part of a cycle (scaling effect with rebound), Each player mills four cards then each opponent loses life equal to the total number of creature cards in their graveyard |
(RB05) |
Sorcery |
Boardwipe and punish for each card in hand |
(MB01) |
Planeswalker |
(CR01) |
Creature |
Human, vanilla, medium stats |
(CR02) |
Creature |
Human, Haste granter |
(CR03) |
Creature |
Werewolf, Small Vanilla frontside (apart from trigger), medium backside |
(CR04) |
Creature |
Werewolf, Medium Virstual Vanilla on front, medium trampler on back |
(CR05) |
Creature |
Spirit, vanilla, medium |
(CR06) |
Creature |
Spirit, Invoke, Damage trigger |
(CR07) |
Creature |
Spirit, flying, small |
(CR08) |
Creature |
Spirit, virtual vanilla, burns for 2 on entry |
(CR09) |
Creature |
Angel, medium, haste, flying (maybe a 3/2 for 2RR? 3RR?) |
(CR10) |
Artifact |
Beseech, Equipment, bonus if control angel |
(CR11) |
Enchantment |
Aura, haste and +2/+0 |
(CR12) |
Enchantment |
Aura, +3/+3, must attack each turn |
(CR13) |
Instant |
Rebound, burn |
(CR14) |
Instant |
Thrill of possibility effect |
(CR15) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, prevent blocking |
(CR16) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, Human Tokens |
(CR17) |
Sorcery |
Pump team, spirits get bonus |
(UR01) |
Creature |
Clanmage |
(UR02) |
Creature |
Angel, first strike, trample, flying, 5/2? Beseech |
(UR03) |
Creature |
Human, angels you control have haste, whenever you cast an angel, you may pay 1, if you do, ping each opponent for 1 |
(UR04) |
Creature |
Spirit, invoke, exile the top card of your library, you may play it that turn |
(UR05) |
Creature |
Werewolf, powerhouse on both sides, massive wolf side, burn on transform (1 to front, 2 to back) |
(UR06) |
Artifact |
At the end of your turn, look at the top X cards of your library and reveal and exile 1 of them, you can play that card until the end of your next turn, X is equal to the amount of life a player lost this turn |
(UR07) |
Instant |
Rebound, flame sweep |
(UR08) |
Instant |
Pump, werewolf gets extra pump |
(UR09) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, medium burn, maybe 4 or 5, cantrip |
(UR10) |
Sorcery |
Destroy target artifact or land, cost reduction if you control a creature with power 4 or greater |
(RR01) |
Creature |
Legendary, part of cycle, Spirit, Invoke, powerful |
(RR02) |
Creature |
Werewolf, aggressive, basically just a good powerful werewolf with decent transform triggers |
(RR03) |
Enchantment |
Invoke, deals 2 damage to any target, return an instant, sorcery, or spirit in your graveyard to your hand randomly at the beginning of your turn |
(RR04) |
Instant |
Rebound, part of a cycle (scaling effect with rebound), 'search your library for an instant or sorcery spell with MV X or less, where X is the number of instant and sorcery cards in your graveyard. Exile that spell. Until end of turn you may cast it without paying its mana cost |
(RR05) |
Sorcery |
Wheel of Fortune effect that burns opponents for each card they discarded |
(MR01) |
Creature |
(CG01) |
Creature |
Werewolf, medium front and back, life gain on change |
(CG02) |
Creature |
Werewolf, small front, medium-large back vanilla |
(CG03) |
Creature |
Elf, vanilla, medium |
(CG04) |
Creature |
Elf, mana dork |
(CG05) |
Creature |
Elf, medium, reach, low power, high tough, rebirth |
(CG06) |
Creature |
Naga, Ambush, trample |
(CG07) |
Creature |
Naga, +1/+1 counter etb, ambush |
(CG08) |
Creature |
Naga, vanilla, medium |
(CG09) |
Creature |
Naga, small, mana dork for any color, higher cost, maybe 2G? |
(CG10) |
Enchantment |
Aura, land enchant, gift of paradise, rebirth |
(CG11) |
Enchantment |
Aura, revelation, pump |
(CG12) |
Enchantment |
Aura, +2/+2 and reach, ambush |
(CG13) |
Enchantment |
Aura, when the creature dies you gain life equal to its power and draw for toughness, high cost, maybe 3GG? 3G? 4G? |
(CG14) |
Instant |
Return to nature |
(CG15) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, search for land and put it into play tapped |
(CG16) |
Sorcery |
Fight |
(CG17) |
Sorcery |
commune with gods style effect for lands and creatures |
(UG01) |
Creature |
Clanmage |
(UG02) |
Creature |
Werewolf, front side helps to achieve revelation, back side pumps other werewolves |
(UG03) |
Creature |
Elf, reach, medium, look at the top card of your library whenever another nontoken creature enters (can put that card back on top or into your graveyard) |
(UG04) |
Creature |
Elf, creature spells you cast cost 1 less to cast if you control a creature with power 4 or greater |
(UG05) |
Creature |
Werewolf, create a wolf on transform to back, gain life on transform to front/entry |
(UG06) |
Creature |
Naga, Self mill, saboteur effect to mill 1/2 cards and return a permanent card from your graveyard to your hand |
(UG07) |
Enchantment |
Aura, enchanted creature has hexproof and trample |
(UG08) |
Enchantment |
creatures you control with a +1/+1 counter have vigilance and reach |
(UG09) |
Sorcery |
Rebound, pump, cantrip |
(UG10) |
Sorcery |
Create multiple wolf tokens, gain 1 life for each wolf and werewolf you control, draw a card for each creature you control with power 4 or greater |
(RG01) |
Creature |
Legendary, part of cycle, Naga, stealthy and powerful, Ambush |
(RG02) |
Creature |
Elf, tribal leader, rebirth, spirit to spice things up, 4(?), T: For each elf you control, add your choice of W, B, or G. |
(RG03) |
Creature |
Werewolf, sets up fighting, creates wolves on transform, puts +1/+1 counters on transform, draw a card whenever a nontoken creature ETB under your control[front], create a wolf whenever a nontoken creature ETB under your control[back] |
(RG04) |
Instant |
Rebound, part of a cycle (scaling effect with rebound), 'search your library for up to two lands and put them onto the battlefield tapped. Creatures you control get +X/+X and gain vigilance and trample UEOT, where X is equal to half the number of lands you control, rounded down' |
(RG05) |
Enchantment |
Turns all creatures into mana dorks, Revelation allows creatures and lands to tap for any color |
(MG01) |
Creature |
(CZ01) |
Instant |
Orzhov, modal winterflame style, Rebound |
(CZ02) |
Instant |
Izzet, modal winterflame style, Rebound |
(CZ03) |
Instant |
Golgari, modal winterflame style, Rebound |
(CZ04) |
Instant |
Boros, modal winterflame style, Rebound |
(CZ05) |
Instant |
Simic, modal winterflame style, Rebound |
(CZ06) |
Creature |
Mardu, angel, flying, menace, medium |
(CZ07) |
Creature |
Temur, Human, make two wolves on entry, small-ish, ward, trample |
(CZ08) |
Creature |
Abzan, Elf, deathtouch, ward, medium |
(CZ09) |
Creature |
Jeskai, Spirit, haste, flying, medium |
(CZ10) |
Creature |
Sultai, Naga, trample, hexproof |
(UZ01) |
Creature |
Azorius, Draft, Spirit, Invoke - create a spirit, other creatures you control with flying get +1/+1 |
(UZ02) |
Creature |
Dimir, Draft, Naga, Player draw and opponent discard on damage |
(UZ03) |
Creature |
Rakdos, Draft, Angel, at the beginning of each end step, if a player lost life this turn put a +1/+1 counter on ~, aggro creature |
(UZ04) |
Creature |
Gruul, Draft, Werewolf, Front face lets you draw an additional card each turn if you control a creature with power 4 or greater, backside gives all creatures with power 4 or greater a boost of vigilance and trample? |
(UZ05) |
Creature |
Selesnya, Draft, Elf, Whenever a nontoken creature ETBs under your control, you gain life and create an elf token, G/W, Tap two other untapped creatures you control to add CC |
(UZ06) |
Creature |
Orzhov, Angel, vigilance, lifelink, flying, Beseech, X in the tap beseech cost, drains an opponent for X on entry |
(UZ07) |
Enchantment |
Orzhov, Draft, At the beginning of each upkeep, if you lost life last turn, create a human, whenever a human dies each opponent is drained for 1 |
(UZ08) |
Creature |
Izzet, power=instant/sorcery in graveyard on back, Werewolf, goblin electromancer effect on front, trample |
(UZ09) |
Artifact |
Izzet, Draft, First instant or sorcery without rebound you cast from your hand each turn gains rebound, tap to add U or R |
(UZ10) |
Creature |
Golgari, Draft, Naga Zombie, golgari gravetroll etb effect, remove a +1/+1 counter to get a boost |
(UZ11) |
Sorcery |
Golgari, Rebound, Mill four then return up to one land and creature from your graveyard to hand |
(UZ12) |
Creature |
Boros, Draft, Angel, gets +1/+1 on attack for each human you control and an additional +1/+1 for each attacking human, creates a human tapped and attacking on attack, beseech |
(UZ13) |
Artifact |
Boros, equipment, Equipped creature gets +X/+0, has first strike, flying, and trample, and is an angel in addition to its other types. X is... something |
(UZ14) |
Creature |
Simic, Draft, Werewolf, Wolf on front side transform and entry, +1/+1 counters + lifegain + scry on back transform |
(UZ15) |
Enchantment |
Simic, Mana-Sink:Draw, Ability costs 1 less for each wolf and werewolf you control, sacrifice and pay large cost to put a +1/+1 counter on each Werewolf you control and then transform all humans (only DFC can be transformed) |
(UZ16) |
Creature |
Mardu, Angel, Beseech, Vigilance, haste, lifelink, Whenever it attacks you can sacrifice a human to lightning helix something other than an opponent |
(UZ17) |
Instant |
Mardu Charm |
(UZ18) |
Creature |
Temur, Werewolf, Hexproof front that helps achieve revelation, backside beater with trample, a decent ward cost that needs mana and life, vigilance, and menace |
(UZ19) |
Instant |
Temur Charm |
(UZ20) |
Creature |
Abzan, elf, creates a token at the beginning of your turn, lifelink, deathtouch, vigilance |
(UZ21) |
Instant |
Abzan Charm |
(UZ22) |
Creature |
Jeskai, Spirit, invoke - look at the top three cards of your library and reveal one, ~ deals damage to any target equal to that cards MV and you gain that much life |
(UZ23) |
Instant |
Jeskai Charm |
(UZ24) |
Creature |
Sultai, Naga, Ambush, Sign in blood effect on entry, deathtouch, reach, Maro + 1 toughness, target creature gets -x/-0 UEOT at the start of each combat |
(UZ25) |
Instant |
Sultai Charm |
(RZ01) |
Instant |
Azorius, Counterspell, possible mini cycle |
(RZ02) |
Creature |
Orzhov, Elder Beast |
(RZ03) |
Instant |
Izzet, counterspell, possible mini cycle |
(RZ04) |
Creature |
Izzet, Elder Beast |
(RZ05) |
Creature |
Golgari, Elder Beast |
(RZ06) |
Creature |
Boros, Elder Beast |
(RZ07) |
Creature |
Simic, Elder Beast |
(RZ08) |
Creature |
Mardu, Angel, Beseech, whenever it enters, if a creature with first strike was tapped to cast it for beseech, it enters with a first strike counter, the same is true for flying, deathtouch, menace, lifelink, haste, double strike, trample, vigilance, reach, indestructible. Whenever the creature attacks, you may remove a counter from it, if you do, all creatures you control gain the associated ability or +1/+1 UEOT |
(RZ09) |
Enchantment |
Mardu, 'Whenever a creature you control dies, if it wasn't an angel, create a 4/4 angel,' creatures have haste and get +1/+1 on attack |
(RZ10) |
Sorcery |
Mardu, Board Wipe + Angel Tokens, X in cost: destroy all nonland permanents that cost X or less, create a 4/4 angel for each creature destroyed this way |
(RZ11) |
Creature |
Temur, not DFC, fusion of wolf and man perfected, Werewolf given a single form, extremely powerful |
(RZ12) |
Enchantment |
Temur, Control Transformations, Extra Draw to help revelation |
(RZ13) |
Instant |
Temur, Chaos Warp/Cascade + Counter, Counter target spell then reveal cards until you hit something that costs the same or less, cast it for free |
(RZ14) |
Creature |
Abzan, elf, rebirth, all creature types in all zones, large |
(RZ15) |
Enchantment |
Abzan, Search for Azcanta Surveil style effect, but you can pay life and skip your draw step to put a card from your graveyard on top |
(RZ16) |
Instant |
Abzan, Collected Company for the graveyard: Mill six cards, then return up to three creatures with mana value 3 or less from your graveyard to play |
(RZ17) |
Creature |
Jeskai, spirit, invoke, loot, make a spirit, and burn a creature |
(RZ18) |
Enchantment |
Jeskai, Jeskai Ascendancy 2 - Electric Geists Boogaloo |
(RZ19) |
Instant |
Jeskai, Slightly bigger Lightning Helix + Slighter bigger Anticipate, 4 instead of 3 for each thing? |
(RZ20) |
Creature |
Sultai, 'When ~ ETB or deals damage to a player, look at the top 4 cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest into your graveyard. |
(RZ21) |
Enchantment |
Sultai, Damia Sage of Stone effect |
(RZ22) |
Sorcery |
Sultai, Choose a card of each card type in your graveyard: You may play those cards without paying their mana costs this turn |
(MZ01) |
Artifact |
Golgari |
(MZ02) |
Creature |
Mardu, legendary |
(MZ03) |
Creature |
Temur, legendary |
(MZ04) |
Planeswalkeer |
Temur |
(MZ05) |
Creature |
Abzan, legendary |
(MZ06) |
Creature |
Jeskai, legendary |
(MZ07) |
Creature |
Jeskai, legendary |
(MZ08) |
Creature |
Sultai, legendary |
(MZ09) |
Planeswalker |
Selesnya |
(CA01) |
Artifact |
Traveler's Amulet-style effect |
(CA02) |
Artifact |
Equipment |
(CA03) |
Creature |
(UA01) |
Artifact |
Mana Rock |
(UA02) |
Artifact |
Mana Rock |
(UA03) |
Artifact |
Mana Rock |
(UA04) |
Artifact |
Mana Rock |
(UA05) |
Artifact |
Mana Rock |
(UA06) |
Creature |
Choose a creature type on entry, whenever a creature of that type etbs UYC, put a +1/+1 counter on ~, whenever this creature attacks, if it has power 5(?) or greater, draw a card |
(RA01) |
Artifact |
Equipment |
(RA02) |
Artifact |
Tribal Equipment |
(RA03) |
Artifact |
Tribal |
(RA04) |
Creature |
Is every color creatures you control are, power and toughness are equal to that value plus 1, if its white, it has vigilance, blue-flying, black-menace, red-first strike, green-trample, colorless-indestructible and hexproof |
(CL01) |
Land |
Azorius |
(CL02) |
Land |
Dimir |
(CL03) |
Land |
Rakdos |
(CL04) |
Land |
Gruul |
(CL05) |
Land |
Selesnya |
(CL06) |
Land |
Orzhov |
(CL07) |
Land |
Izzet |
(CL08) |
Land |
Golgari |
(CL09) |
Land |
Boros |
(CL10) |
Land |
Simic |
(UL01) |
Land |
Mardu |
(UL02) |
Land |
Temur |
(UL03) |
Land |
Abzan |
(UL04) |
Land |
Jeskai |
(UL05) |
Land |
Sultai |
(RL01) |
Land |
Azorius, Horizon Land |
(RL02) |
Land |
Dimir, Horizon Land |
(RL03) |
Land |
Rakdos, Horizon Land |
(RL04) |
Land |
Gruul, Horizon Land |
(RL05) |
Land |
Selesnya, Horizon Canopy |