Random Dungeon Generator: Virtual Booster

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This booster was generated with pre-Magic 2010 collation since the cardset contains no mythics: 1 rare, 3 uncommons, 11 commons.
You could alternatively have 15 random cards regardless of rarity.
No more rares or mythics
No more uncommons
No more uncommons
No more uncommons
This room is average sized. There are 1d3+3 exits leading out of this room.
That's Weird. Draw an Oddity card, and another Room card.
The Corridor begins to ascend upwards.
There's a door in the floor or the ceiling. Draw a Door or Room card and a Corridor card.
The Corridor turns left.
Roll a 1d8:
1: This room has no other exits.
2-4: This room has one to three other exit.
5-6: This room is hexagonal and has 6 exits total.
7-8: This room is octagonal and has 8 exits total.
This room is small. There are 1d3 other exits leading out of this room.
The Corridor continues onward at about a 45-degree angle to the left.
Draw two Corridor cards.
Gee, that's weird. Draw an Oddity Card and another Corridor Card.
A room opens up on the right, and the corridor continues straight. Draw a Room card.

Medium Sized Room. 1d3+3 exits. (common)
Oddity (common)
Corridor Leads Up (common)
Door in Floor/Ceiling (common)
Turns Left (common)
Hexagonal/Octagonal Room (common)
Small Room. 1d3 other exits. (common)
Corridor Bears Left (common)
Draw Two (common)
Oddity (common)
Room on Right (common)