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CardName: Fading of the Light Cost: 2bb Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Exile target creature or planeswalker and all auras attached to it. Flavour Text: "Justice does not expire." Set/Rarity: Roshar Common

Fading of the Light
Exile target creature or planeswalker and all auras attached to it.
"Justice does not expire."
Updated on 06 Jan 2020 by Phopus

Code: CB15

Active?: true

History: [-]

2017-08-02 18:13:49: Phopus created and commented on the card Fading of the Light

A Hero's Downfall variant that lets you get rid of pesky planeswalkers (Jasnah). Flavorfully, it represents killing a creature or a surgebinder who doesn't have enough stormlight to protect themselves. Specifically, this is when Nalan kills Ym.

Uhm, yeah, but this is a strictly better Hero's Downfall - that doesn't feel right. If Downfall is a Murder+ maybe this could be like Oblivion Strike+? So {3}{b} and sorcery?

EDIT: Admittedly {3}{b} sorcery isn't exciting when compared to cards like Gild or Sever the Bloodline. So maybe instant but with a cost like {3}{b}, {2}{b}{b}, or {b}{b}{b}.

I guess I was thinking of it as a small upgrade. Could see changing it to sorcery.

Or like: Destroy target creature or exile target planeswalker.

The point of making it exile was to be able to get rid of (((Jasnah the Heretic))), whose schtick is that she's hard to get rid of.

Given the intended power level of the set, I think Hero's Downfall+ is okay.

We are getting Hero's Downfall + Lose 2 life at {2}{b}{b} next set at instant, so if you want to depower it, go for that cost.

This card is instantly playable though, and I would be happy to include this in any deck that has enough Black in it.

2018-06-28 23:03:13: Phopus edited Fading of the Light
2018-11-27 07:25:36: Phopus edited Fading of the Light
2020-01-06 20:28:26: Phopus edited Fading of the Light

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