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CardName: Oathseeker Cost: 4WW Type: Creature - Flying Pow/Tgh: 7/5 Rules Text: Flying, Protection from Red, black, Demons and Dragons. Whenever Oathseeker attacks it deals 7 damage to target Dragon or Demon creature target player controls. Flavour Text: " The only oath i ever sworn was to trust in my own judgment. " Set/Rarity: Flames of Ardor Mythic

Creature – Flying
Flying, Protection from Red, black, Demons and Dragons.

Whenever Oathseeker attacks it deals 7 damage to target Dragon or Demon creature target player controls.
" The only oath i ever sworn was to trust in my own judgment. "
Updated on 18 Feb 2016 by Patrik

Code: MW01

History: [-]

2011-06-12 00:06:06: Patrik created the card Oathseeker
2011-06-12 00:07:10: Patrik edited Oathseeker
2011-06-24 10:41:52: Patrik edited Oathseeker

Hee. I think "protection from Demons and Dragons" is somewhat unnecessary when you have prot black and red. But otherwise, delightful idea. The set would need rules support for attacking creatures as though they were players, so you might want another couple of rares with that mechanic (it's complex enough that it shouldn't appear at lower than rare). But this is a very flavourful and fun approach to it.

2011-06-27 13:27:17: Patrik edited Oathseeker

Changed it to be very hateful against demons and dragons so i didn't have to insert provoke in the mechanics

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