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CardName: Boulderwhip Cost: 1rr Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Highstorm (As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may exile a land card from your graveyard. If you do, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.) Boulderwhip deals 2 damage to any target. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Roshar Common

Highstorm (As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may exile a land card from your graveyard. If you do, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.)

Boulderwhip deals 2 damage to any target.
Updated on 12 Aug 2019 by Phopus

Code: CR13

Active?: true

History: [-]

2017-03-21 18:37:22: Phopus created the card Boulderwhip
2017-03-21 18:37:35: Phopus edited Boulderwhip
on 22 Mar 2017 by Visitor:

To have this card show up on the mechanics page and to easily include reminder text here, put [] brackets around the word "highstorm."

2017-03-23 14:38:31: Phopus edited Boulderwhip

Great! Thanks. I just discovered this site and am still figuring out how it works.

2017-03-23 18:25:48: Phopus edited Boulderwhip
2017-03-27 04:28:31: Phopus edited Boulderwhip

A mechanic that can help you land screw yourself seems a bit dangerous. Potentially creates a lot of feel bad moments. If I recall correctly I remember there being an article by Rosewater or whoever in which it was said that they learned pretty well (was it about the Masques block?) that players don't like saccing their lands.

I think I've found the article you're talking about:

Yeah, this is a very real danger. I like the mechanic enough that I'm willing to let it live until there are enough cards to do a playtest. Once we get to that point, well, maybe it'll be a darling I have to kill. And I will be sad.

2018-06-05 19:12:43: Phopus edited Boulderwhip
2018-07-11 04:05:02: Phopus edited Boulderwhip
2018-11-24 17:48:01: Phopus edited Boulderwhip
2019-08-12 02:10:21: Phopus edited Boulderwhip

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