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CardName: Giver of Fruits Cost: 1G Type: Creature - Elf Druid Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: When Giver of Fruits enters the battlefield, you may play an additional land this turn. Flavour Text: She is the lover of all things that grow in the earth, and all their countless forms she holds in her mind. Set/Rarity: Silmarillion: The War of the Jewels Common

Giver of Fruits
Creature – Elf Druid
When Giver of Fruits enters the battlefield, you may play an additional land this turn.
She is the lover of all things that grow in the earth, and all their countless forms she holds in her mind.
Illus. steamey (Olga G)
Updated on 15 Apr 2018 by Tahazzar

Code: CG01

Active?: true

History: [-]

2017-03-12 11:58:41: Tahazzar created and commented on the card Giver of Fruits

Alternative name: "Queen of Flowers"

2017-03-13 15:04:04: Tahazzar edited Giver of Fruits

3 lands is about the time where I run out of lands in my hand, so this effect probably plays out a lot worse than it is. Much like with {r}, you have a lot of different effects that all end up increasing your net mana.

Just an observation.

on 30 Nov 2017 by SoulofZendikar:

You could probably buff this up to 2/3.

The common, green creature cards are quite defensive enough and there's also Green-Elf Wanderer with that p/t, but I do agree that this could use a buff.

Would 3/1 be reasonable? Maybe even 3/2? Or maybe make Green-Elf Wanderer into a 3/1 and then this to 2/3? Then I think that card turns too similar to Moon Guide... Hmm...

on 01 Dec 2017 by SoulofZendikar:

Sure I could see it as 3/1 easy. 3/2 strikes me as off, but possible.

2017-12-12 11:30:59: Tahazzar edited Giver of Fruits:

2/2 -> 2/3

2018-04-15 04:23:42: Tahazzar edited Giver of Fruits:

-{1}; -0/-1

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