Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity
What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Sadistic Neophyte Cost: B Type: Creature - Vampire Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: At the end of each turn, each player loses 1 life if a creature they controlled died that turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Common

Sadistic Neophyte
Creature – Vampire
At the end of each turn, each player loses 1 life if a creature they controlled died that turn.
Updated on 08 Mar 2017 by aether_tech

History: [-]

2017-03-08 03:50:28: aether_tech created the card Sadistic Neophyte

Serf is a creature type - maybe just put it on here?

The trigger condition with intervening if-clause and an extended time frame to look back onto is more than you should be comfortable with at common.

Also this card is weird in multiplayer.

I suggest taking Underpriest of the Order and mirror it with life loss... maybe: "At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if a creature died last turn, that player loses 1 life."

Either way this should be uncommon.

Yea, mirroring Underpreist seems to work better. And I'll maybe change it to some sort of minor vampire?

2017-03-08 20:24:58: aether_tech edited Sadistic Neophyte

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