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CardName: Grim Idol Cost: {3}{B} Type: Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Grim Idol enters the battlefield with 2 charge counters. Reconstruct 1 (At the end of your turn, put 1 charge counters on Grim Idol.) Remove 3 charge counters from Grim Idol: Target player discards two cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Flerin Uncommon

Grim Idol
Grim Idol enters the battlefield with 2 charge counters.
Reconstruct 1 (At the end of your turn, put 1 charge counters on Grim Idol.)
Remove 3 charge counters from Grim Idol: Target player discards two cards.
Updated on 10 Aug 2017 by wakingdream

History: [-]

2017-01-31 21:35:11: wakingdream created the card Grim Idol
2017-07-10 01:12:24: wakingdream edited Grim Idol

Hm. This one doesn't look as good as Automech Foundry. Normally the opponent will choose to lose 2 life every other turn, so this effectively costs the opponent one life per turn, similar to Pillory of the Sleepless or Curse of Wizardry. Except they can choose to treat it as if it were half a Honden of Night's Reach or half a The Abyss instead.

It basically looks like a lot of busywork for not much reward.

2017-08-10 21:14:14: wakingdream edited Grim Idol

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