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CardName: The Forever Machine Cost: RRR Type: Legendary Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {R}, Exile a permanent you control, a card in your graveyard or a card in your hand: The Forever Machine deals 2 damage to target creature or player. Flavour Text: "Witness the Marvel that never ceases for Eternity!" Set/Rarity: Al Weh'jed 2.0 Rare

The Forever Machine
Legendary Enchantment
{r}, Exile a permanent you control, a card in your graveyard or a card in your hand: The Forever Machine deals 2 damage to target creature or player.
"Witness the Marvel that never ceases for Eternity!"
Updated on 13 Oct 2015 by 10vernothin

Code: RR03

History: [-]

2015-07-10 06:02:13: 10vernothin created the card The Forever Machine
2015-07-10 06:03:31: 10vernothin edited The Forever Machine

Wow. That's quite a lot better than Goblin Bombardment. I suppose it's twice the price... Goblin Bombardment plus Harvest Pyre plus Seismic Assault... hm.

on 10 Jul 2015 by JMGariepy, offline:

By the time you cast this, assuming you go first, draw cards normally and play this on round four, then this represents 10 damage (7 cards in opening hand + 3 cards drawn. It doesn't matter where those cards end up, as long as they aren't exiled or tucked.) Add a Tome Scour and a Lightning Bolt to that opening hand, and you've dealt 20 damage. The fact that you can divide it any way you choose is just gravy.

2015-07-12 02:56:16: 10vernothin edited The Forever Machine
2015-07-14 23:37:36: 10vernothin edited The Forever Machine
2015-10-13 05:20:09: 10vernothin edited The Forever Machine

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