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CardName: Minister of the House Cost: 2GG Type: Enchantment Creature - Djinn Pow/Tgh: 3/4 Rules Text: Trample, Indestructible Whenever Minister of the House is a target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, return it to its owner's hand. Other enchantment creatures gets +1/+1. Flavour Text: The Djinn has representatives in all aspects of Al-Weh'jedeen affairs Set/Rarity: Al Weh'jed 2.0 Uncommon

Minister of the House
Enchantment Creature – Djinn
Trample, Indestructible
Whenever Minister of the House is a target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, return it to its owner's hand.
Other enchantment creatures gets +1/+1.
The Djinn has representatives in all aspects of Al-Weh'jedeen affairs
Updated on 14 Jul 2015 by 10vernothin

Code: UG04

History: [-]

2015-06-17 02:57:46: 10vernothin created the card Minister of the House
2015-07-13 22:39:50: 10vernothin edited Minister of the House

Self-Cowardice is a sensible counterbalance to indestructible. But I really think that a common shouldn't have a lord ability. Most Master of Etherium variants are rare; there were one or two pushed down to uncommon in order to very strongly drive certain tribes in Lorwyn, such as Merrow Reejerey and Imperious Perfect, but those were deliberately warping Limited.

2015-07-14 16:05:37: 10vernothin edited Minister of the House:

now uncommon

2015-07-14 16:13:40: 10vernothin edited Minister of the House

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