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CardName: Dragon Saddle Cost: 1 Type: Artifact - Equipment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Equipped creature has flying as long as you control another creature with flying. Equip {1} Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Eragon Common

Dragon Saddle
Artifact – Equipment
Equipped creature has flying as long as you control another creature with flying.
Equip {1}
Updated on 17 Feb 2015 by Samuel


History: [-]

2015-02-17 00:11:38: Samuel created the card Dragon Saddle

Oh, very nice! Great way to do an equipment that has the flavour of "riding" but is simple enough for common.

Oh yes, that's great!

Also is begging for stories of mid-flight mount-changing. "My knights dragon died, but I had an elephant jump up to catch him..."

Thanks! :)

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