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CardName: Lustar, of the Purest Faith Cost: 1W Type: Legendary Creature - Human Cleric Pow/Tgh: 0/1 Rules Text: Defender, Indestructible Each non-land permanent that shares a name with this permanent is a copy of this permanent and loses all other abilities. Flavour Text: She is like the deity that she is a servant of: cold, wondrous and pure. Set/Rarity: Names Matter 1 Mythic

Lustar, of the Purest Faith
Legendary Creature – Human Cleric
Defender, Indestructible
Each non-land permanent that shares a name with this permanent is a copy of this permanent and loses all other abilities.
She is like the deity that she is a servant of: cold, wondrous and pure.
Updated on 27 Feb 2015 by 10vernothin

Code: MW01

History: [-]

2015-01-23 20:57:59: 10vernothin created the card Lustar, of the Purest Faith
2015-01-23 20:58:34: 10vernothin edited Lustar, of the Purest Faith
2015-02-25 03:49:59: 10vernothin edited Lustar, of the Purest Faith

Nifty. I like that she's at least a Darksteel Myr even without any name-changing effects going on. Since she has defender, I wonder if she could have 1 power? Or if that'd be too good?

You can get slightly weird effects if, say, one player has an Evil Twin of this. I think timestamps will say that actually neither creature has the "kill my twin" ability. Similarly, if I then turn face-up a Vesuvan Shapeshifter copying this, neither will have the "turn face down" trigger. But if the original now goes away, I think both the Twin and the Shapeshifter will gain the "kill my twin" ability, but not the "turn face down" trigger. I think.

Anyway. There's oddnesses there, but the rules do say what happens, and it's definitely edge cases, so no need to change anything.

I think you have to uses dependencies, not time stamps, since both copy effects are in the same layer. TBH, I don't get dependencies.

Since all copies of the ability say "loses all other abilities", I think they all depend on each other, so it falls back to timestamp order (613.7b).

Legendary + "The legend rule doesn't apply to this name" is an excessively verbose no-op. Why even bother with the supertype?

This card could just say "Defender, indestructible; Nonland permanents that share a name with this permanent lose all abilities and become creatures with base power and toughness 0/1." That's functionally identical.

2015-02-27 16:36:43: 10vernothin edited Lustar, of the Purest Faith

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