Magic Essentials: The Eternal Core Set: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity
Mechanics | The Core Set Ideal | Geomancy - Red | Dreamer - WU | Paladin - RW

CardName: Summit Prowler Cost: 2RR Type: Summon - Yeti Pow/Tgh: 3/3 Rules Text: Mountainwalk, protection from white Flavour Text: "Do you hunt the yetis of the high peaks, stripling? They are as fierce as the bear that fears no foe and as sly as the mink that creeps unseen. You will be as much prey as they." —Nitula, the Hunt Caller Set/Rarity: Magic Essentials: The Eternal Core Set Uncommon

Summit Prowler
Summon – Yeti
Mountainwalk, protection from white
"Do you hunt the yetis of the high peaks, stripling? They are as fierce as the bear that fears no foe and as sly as the mink that creeps unseen. You will be as much prey as they."
—Nitula, the Hunt Caller
Updated on 12 Jan 2015 by LivesByProxy

History: [-]

2014-12-29 22:43:20: LivesByProxy created the card Summit Prowler
2014-12-29 22:43:29: LivesByProxy edited Summit Prowler
2014-12-30 20:50:48: LivesByProxy edited Summit Prowler
2015-01-01 03:03:13: LivesByProxy edited Summit Prowler
2015-01-12 03:51:36: LivesByProxy edited Summit Prowler

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