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CardName: The MacGuffin Cost: 3BB Type: Legendary Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Whenever a player loses control of The MacGuffin, put a charge counter on it, then it deals X damage to that player, where X is the number of charge counters on it. Pay X life, or sacrifice X permanents, or pay {X}, where X is the amount of charge counters on The MacGuffin: Gain control of The MacGuffin. Any player may activate this on his or her upkeep. Flavour Text: "One can tell how precious it is by the degree that people are willing to expend to acquire it." Set/Rarity: Superhero Mythic

The MacGuffin
Legendary Artifact
Whenever a player loses control of The MacGuffin, put a charge counter on it, then it deals X damage to that player, where X is the number of charge counters on it.
Pay X life, or sacrifice X permanents, or pay {x}, where X is the amount of charge counters on The MacGuffin: Gain control of The MacGuffin. Any player may activate this on his or her upkeep.
"One can tell how precious it is by the degree that people are willing to expend to acquire it."
Updated on 09 Jan 2015 by 10vernothin


History: [-]

2014-12-05 09:32:37: 10vernothin created the card The MacGuffin
2014-12-05 09:33:10: 10vernothin edited The MacGuffin
2014-12-05 10:03:05: 10vernothin edited The MacGuffin
2014-12-05 10:11:43: 10vernothin edited The MacGuffin:

This one I couldn't find, but based on Jinxed Choker

2014-12-05 10:15:30: 10vernothin edited The MacGuffin
2015-01-09 04:23:28: 10vernothin edited The MacGuffin

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