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CardName: Elven Hero Mortarion Cost: {10} Type: Legendary Hero - Land Pow/Tgh: 70/20 Rules Text: {6} **Steed Trample**- Give 20 damage to each Soldier. If you have an Elven Horse in your hand or in your Soldier section, you may discard that Horse, and this attack does 30 damage instead. Flavour Text: {8} **Endless Rampage**- Do 30 damage to two targets. Then flip a coin. If heads, do another 30 damage to another target. If tails, end your turn. This attack ends when you either get a tails or do 30 damage to all of your enemies. Set/Rarity: HeroNation Rare

Elven Hero Mortarion
Legendary Hero – Land
{6} Steed Trample- Give 20 damage to each Soldier.
If you have an Elven Horse in your hand or in your Soldier section, you may discard that Horse, and this attack does 30 damage instead.
{8} Endless Rampage- Do 30 damage to two targets. Then flip a coin. If heads, do another 30 damage to another target. If tails, end your turn. This attack ends when you either get a tails or do 30 damage to all of your enemies.
Updated on 21 May 2014 by ajk35

History: [-]

2014-05-18 00:52:37: ajk35 created the card Elven Hero Mortarion
2014-05-18 01:03:34: ajk35 edited Elven Hero Mortarion
2014-05-21 20:45:52: ajk35 edited Elven Hero Mortarion

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