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CardName: Ritual Elemental Cost: 1r Type: Creature - Elemental Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: When Ritual Elemental enters the battlefield, add {R}{R}{R} to your mana pool. revive {R} ({R}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Put a token that's a copy of it onto the battlefield. Revive only as a sorcery.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Comic Book Set Common

Ritual Elemental
Creature – Elemental
When Ritual Elemental enters the battlefield, add {r}{r}{r} to your mana pool.
revive {r} ({r}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Put a token that's a copy of it onto the battlefield. Revive only as a sorcery.)
Created on 23 Apr 2014 by MOON-E


History: [-]

2014-04-23 23:49:52: MOON-E created the card Ritual Elemental

This seems kind of busted. I think the revive has to cost at least {1}{r}

My goal for this was to have a red dark ritual that you have to jump through a few hoop for. I understand if thats too powerful.

My worry is for storm in modern. With Faithless Looting this is too easy to turn on IMO.

I'm okay with it, but it really should only add {r}{r} to the mana pool. That way, it's not broke with Storm (reviving from the graveyard doesn't add to the storm count after all).

If it doesn't net mana until the second time, what's the point?

It's a free 1/1 that has "Draw a Pyretic Ritual" attached to it. What isn't the point? Free creatures are perfectly valid; one only has to look to Burning-Tree Emissary for that.

Not really a Pyretic ritual if it makes two mana...

Burning-Tree Emissary is a good comparison: it was hybrid which allowed it to go into more decks, made two colors of mana so it assisted in fixing, and was a 2/2 which meant its body was actually relevant. This is none of those things. (And it's not like Burning-Tree was that great in limited either).

I mean we can just have it be a bad card, that's fine, but I don't know if I want it to be that bad. A 1/1 body is pretty irrelevant, but at least curving it into a three drop on the same turn might be worth it.

How about moving it to uncommon then?

A Pyretic Ritual provided it makes {r}{r} rather than {r}{r}{r}. Curving into a three-drop's fine, but it's really the revive that's ridiculous. Does the Revive even have to net mana? {2}{r} Revive and it basically rituals first time round, and filters the second. Or just stick it at {1}{r} which still might just be silly.

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