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CardName: Divine Conscription Cost: XWW Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Put X 1/1 colourless Shabti Soldier artifact creature tokens with double-strike onto the battlefield. Cycling {x}{W} When you cycle Divine Conscription, put X 1/1 colourless Shabti Worker artifact token creatures onto the battlefield. Flavour Text: "In my father's time, I could have mustered up an Army, but now..." Set/Rarity: Al-Weh'jed Rare

Divine Conscription
Put X 1/1 colourless Shabti Soldier artifact creature tokens with double-strike onto the battlefield.
Cycling {x}{w}
When you cycle Divine Conscription, put X 1/1 colourless Shabti Worker artifact token creatures onto the battlefield.

"In my father's time, I could have mustered up an Army, but now..."
Updated on 13 May 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: RW06

History: [-]

2014-03-14 19:35:02: 10vernothin created the card Divine Conscription
2014-03-15 19:00:23: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription
2014-03-16 19:31:47: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription
2014-03-17 15:38:55: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription
2014-03-22 04:20:57: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription
2014-03-25 18:01:07: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription

Check out wording on real cards that have cycle triggers, like Resounding Silence.
I feel like you need to unify your Shabti tokens. You've got a bunch of different ones running around, some of which are colored, some of which are colorless; some have keywords, and others don't. There are plain Shabti, Shabti Workers, and Shabti Soldiers. This will lead to a very confusing board in limited, in my opinion. All of your Shabti-makers should probably make Shabti which are exactly the same. It will remove a lot of potential player confusion and greatly simplify limited.

I'm planning to have only Shabti tokens and the ubiquitous 2/2 human token as my only tokens in the set.

the Ushabti culture in Weljed is very advanced. It's analogous to electronics in our world. Shabti is a new creature type, much like humans or merfolk. Right now though, there are only 4 types of Shabti tokens

W - Sand Shabti

B - Shabti Illusion

A - Shabti Soldier

A - Shabti Worker (Originally 0/1, but revamped to be 1/1 'cause workers can still be conscripted)

The main defining point of Ushabti are they only work when in conjunction of other creatures, unless the purpose of the Shabti is to be the combatant, even then they have very low toughness, since they are made of clay.

Also they're all artifact creatures.

2014-03-25 18:28:32: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription
2014-05-13 02:02:54: 10vernothin edited Divine Conscription

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