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CardName: Start of a New Age Cost: 2GGG Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Destroy all artifacts and enchantments. For each permanent destroyed that way, search your library for a Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain or Forest card and put it onto the battlefield. Flavour Text: "All that glitter mustn't linger." Set/Rarity: Al-Weh'jed Mythic

Start of a New Age
Destroy all artifacts and enchantments. For each permanent destroyed that way, search your library for a Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain or Forest card and put it onto the battlefield.

"All that glitter mustn't linger."
Updated on 13 May 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: MG02

History: [-]

2014-03-14 19:29:47: 10vernothin created the card Start of a New Age

Oh, good idea. I can't believe this doesn't already exist in mono-green.

This should just be a colorshifted Purify instead of a strictly worse Fracturing Gust.

2014-03-15 21:32:07: 10vernothin edited Start of a New Age
2014-03-25 01:27:32: 10vernothin edited Start of a New Age

I like this a lot, but it really says " Rare " to me rather than Mythic.

­Tranquility says Uncommon to me :)

This is Purify rather than Tranquility though, with a potentially-massive land ramp on top of it. I like it as a rare. Mythic? Maybe if you take the cost down by 1 or 2.

This was a rare, but I liked the mythic feel of the name.

2014-03-25 15:51:35: 10vernothin edited Start of a New Age
2014-03-25 15:56:23: 10vernothin edited Start of a New Age:

lowered cost, and changed basic lands to all lands, may chnge it back to basic lands if deemed too strong

Hee! So the most obvious risk of this is Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle. Casting this with 7 artifacts/enchantments out gets you 6 Mountains and a Valakut for the instant win. Like the Modern Scapeshift deck. The 7 arts/enchs could come from Mycosynth Lattice or Enchanted Evening. If you're okay with those combos then there's no big problem - certainly I'm not aware of anything worse. You can search up an Urzatron or whatever, but that's probably fine on a mythic.

I can make it to be "Forest" only? But Mythic?

Or make it only "non-basic land card"

2014-05-13 01:43:15: 10vernothin edited Start of a New Age

Now only fetches basic land types, which is fine given the next set is "basic land types matter"

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