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CardName: Alchemist's Mistake Cost: 6GG Type: Creature - Chimera Pow/Tgh: 6/6 Rules Text: Trample, Reach. When Alchemist's Mistake enters the battlefield or when you cycle Alchemist's Mistake, creatures you control gains +2/+2, trample and reach until the end of turn. Cycling {4}{G}{G} ({4}{G}{G}, discard this card: draw a card) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Al-Weh'jed Uncommon

Alchemist's Mistake
Creature – Chimera
Trample, Reach.
When Alchemist's Mistake enters the battlefield or when you cycle Alchemist's Mistake, creatures you control gains +2/+2, trample and reach until the end of turn.

Cycling {4}{g}{g} ({4}{g}{g}, discard this card: draw a card)
Updated on 27 Sep 2014 by 10vernothin


History: [-]

2014-03-13 21:49:55: 10vernothin created the card Alchemist's Mistake
2014-03-14 16:37:12: 10vernothin edited Alchemist's Mistake
2014-03-22 07:30:20: 10vernothin edited Alchemist's Mistake
2014-09-24 18:43:09: 10vernothin edited Alchemist's Mistake

Um. Did you just create a cantrip Overrun with an alternate mode as a 5/5 creature?

I think the cycling here needs to be way more expensive. Or grant much less of a bonus. Overrun is considered too strong for normal expansions these days, let alone an uncounterable, less-colour-intensive, cantrip version.

Oooh, I looked at Alex's comment, and the cost and thought "Cantrip overrun.. powerful; 8 mana? Sure, why not"

But yeah, wow, the actual cost is only 5; half a mana cheaper than the original. And instant speed; too.

That and the ability to have shenanigans with flickering it to get multiple copies? Way too good for the cost.

­Overrun is too strong now? Dang.

2014-09-26 01:17:12: 10vernothin edited Alchemist's Mistake
2014-09-27 21:59:16: 10vernothin edited Alchemist's Mistake

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