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CardName: Imbued Ward Cost: W Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Choose a colour. Target creature you control gains protection from that colour until the end of turn. Invoke {W} ({W}: exile Imbued Ward from your hand. As long as this card is exiled, you may cast it as if it was an instant and you may spend mana as it were mana of any colour to cast it.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Al-Weh'jed Common

Imbued Ward
Choose a colour. Target creature you control gains protection from that colour until the end of turn.
Invoke {w} ({w}: exile Imbued Ward from your hand. As long as this card is exiled, you may cast it as if it was an instant and you may spend mana as it were mana of any colour to cast it.)
Updated on 22 Oct 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: CW12

History: [-]

2014-03-13 20:40:01: 10vernothin created the card Imbued Ward
2014-03-13 20:47:09: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward
2014-03-15 18:09:33: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward
2014-03-17 13:33:19: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward

i dont get the point of invoke. first this is already instant. then you pay 2WW, compared to true cost of W. why spend 5 mana for this meaningless effect. so you can spend any color? which is moot when you have to pay 2WW in the first place.

I must admit, I'm also confused. Perhaps 10vernothin intends you to be able to cast it repeatedly once it's exiled?

The whole point of invoke

  1. It can be used to "flash" things in

  2. It can be used to fix mana

  3. It can be used to "threaten" i.e. deter players from casting things,

By lingering it on in exile, this card effectively becomes a "oh look, I have a {1}: Counter target spell/ability that targets a creature you control, try play a spell now".

I actually intend and encourage this "threat of casting".

Because this effectively is a counter-spell at common if invoked, I jacked up the cost to display its true power.

W - protection 3WW - threat of protection

2014-03-17 15:48:40: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward

but I'll try playtest it at invoke:1WW to see if it affect gameplay too much.

Also another thing with invoke: It goes crazy well with [[snapcaster mage]]!

Yeah; but... just revealing it is in your hand is the same amount of threat; unless you're using up your {w} every turn, I guess. Which seems pretty marginal.

Also, well, Blessed Breath and Apostle's Blessing and Emerge Unscathed and Faith's Shield and Gods Willing already exist. So while I agree, it's a very very nice threat - it doesn't cost 4+1; it costs {w}, or slightly less. (Razor Barrier suggests it USED to cost slightly more; though Shelter and Stave Of disagree.)

And a surprise is usually, though not always, better than a threat.

Now; maybe this could be: Sorcery {w}, Invoke {w} (so effectively {1}{w} to flash it, or as a threat) ?

Gosh; I didn't realise how MANY recent sets this was printed it. It's like white's Giant Growth or something.

fair enough

2014-03-17 16:21:45: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward

Oh; thought of another good reason for Invoke. Hellbent and similar mechanics that want your hand to be empty. If your set had some of that, it would make sense. (Though still only low-cost sense)

2014-03-19 19:43:46: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward
2014-10-22 06:58:31: 10vernothin edited Imbued Ward

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