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CardName: Muse of Vivacity Cost: {1}{G}{G} Type: Legendary Creature - Spirit Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: After each of your combat phases, there is an additional untap step followed by an additional upkeep step. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Kalcebo Mythic

Muse of Vivacity
Legendary Creature – Spirit
After each of your combat phases, there is an additional untap step followed by an additional upkeep step.
Created on 15 Jun 2013 by TwoStars


2013-06-15 10:17:45: TwoStars created the card Muse of Vivacity

If it just untapped creatures that attacked, it would be reasonable, but it also doubles your mana and lets you get bonus upkeep triggers I think it's too cheap. It's an interesting way of giving vigilance, though.

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