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CardName: Hara-Kiri Cost: {B}{B} Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Target nonblack creature deals damage to itself equal to its power. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Kalcebo Common

Target nonblack creature deals damage to itself equal to its power.
Created on 15 Jun 2013 by TwoStars

History: [-]

2013-06-15 08:28:20: TwoStars created the card Hara-Kiri

This method of removal seems more red than black.

Kiku's Shadow and Kiku, Night's Flower was its inspiration.

I was thinking of more recent cards like Wrack with Madness.

This has been all over the colour pie. It's been in white (Repentance), black (Kiku's Shadow) and most recently red (Wrack with Madness). I recall thinking Wrack with Madness was odd though, because red can burn things anyway, and this ability was black and white before.

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