Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity
What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Guardian Forest Cost: XX2GG Type: Creature - Elemental Pow/Tgh: 2/4 Rules Text: Guardian of the Forest enters the battlefield with X Lifeforce counters on it. Other creatures you control get +1/+1 for each Lifefroce counter on Guardian of the Forest. Flavour Text: The guardians are just that, a thing not even the Baron can corrupt as long as the Mother remains. Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Uncommon

Guardian Forest
Creature – Elemental
Guardian of the Forest enters the battlefield with X Lifeforce counters on it.

Other creatures you control get +1/+1 for each Lifefroce counter on Guardian of the Forest.
The guardians are just that, a thing not even the Baron can corrupt as long as the Mother remains.
Updated on 07 Mar 2017 by aether_tech

History: [-]

2013-02-12 05:21:53: aether_tech created the card Guardian Forest

So it's... a vanilla 2/4 for 4 mana; or a 2/4 with Gaia's Anthem for 6 mana; or a double Anthem for 8 mana, etc.

Somewhat reminiscent of Marshal's Anthem or Kabira Vindicator. The potential for this being very strong late-game makes me think it should be rare, even though it's not very exciting at less than 6 mana.

I felt that it was safe at uncommon, since even at 8 mana you're only getting +2/+2 which seems reasonable on a 2/4 with no other abilities. And +3/+3 at ten mana seems pretty fair as well.

2017-03-07 19:45:59: aether_tech edited Guardian Forest:

Fixed wording to match Genesis Grove

Tempted to change this and Genesis grove to "get +1/+1 for each Lifeforce counter on permanents you control, which would be double synergy from this and Genesis Grove (or multiple copy synergy...)

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