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What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Avenging Druid Cost: 2g Type: creature - Human Druid Pow/Tgh: 1/3 Rules Text: Whenever Avenging Druid deals damage to an opponent, you may reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card. If you do, put that card onto the battlefield and put all other cards revealed this way into your graveyard. Flavour Text: The druids don’t quite share Autumn’s pacifistic ways, not when their groves are threatened and their animal friends are suffering and dying around them. Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Common

Avenging Druid
creature – Human Druid
Whenever Avenging Druid deals damage to an opponent, you may reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card. If you do, put that card onto the battlefield and put all other cards revealed this way into your graveyard.
The druids don’t quite share Autumn’s pacifistic ways, not when their groves are threatened and their animal friends are suffering and dying around them.
Created on 12 Feb 2013 by aether_tech


2013-02-12 05:14:32: aether_tech created the card Avenging Druid

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