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What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Dwarven Survivor Cost: {1}{R} Type: Creature - Dwarf Pow/Tgh: 2/3 Rules Text: Defender, protection from instants and sorceries with converted mana cost 2 or less. If you control at least 3 other dwarves, Dwarven Survivor can attack as though it didn't have defender. Flavour Text: After the corruption of Irini, the dwarven presence on Ulgrotha faded; only a few of the stout folk now remain, hidden away in deep refuges far below the southern mountains. Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Uncommon

Dwarven Survivor
Creature – Dwarf
Defender, protection from instants and sorceries with converted mana cost 2 or less.

If you control at least 3 other dwarves, Dwarven Survivor can attack as though it didn't have defender.
After the corruption of Irini, the dwarven presence on Ulgrotha faded; only a few of the stout folk now remain, hidden away in deep refuges far below the southern mountains.
Updated on 07 Mar 2017 by aether_tech

History: [-]

2013-02-12 05:02:46: aether_tech created the card Dwarven Survivor

Huh. Shroud on a red creature? Okay, I'll accept it. Dwarves are odd red creatures anyway.

ya, I had to really force myself to give it shroud...though I suppose I could take it away and do something else....

But it needs to somehow keep the flavor of being "hidden" away, surviving from the baron and his hordes.

As a strange alternative, "~ can't be the target of blue spells or abilities"?

hmmm...Blue isn't the enemy in this block; its more neutral then anything else. the Wizard's school sort of stays out of the "politics", that is until the Baron completely corrupts them and sends them a wrecking...

Red does have its own form of 'punisher shroud' that's popped up on cards now and again. Howabout "Whenever a player targets ~, that player sacrifices a land."? You might get away with a 3/3 as well, since that's a light rider.

See my recent comment on Durnkien thunderhammer (or whatever my dwarf legend is named) in regards to that.

To link to cards in this cardset: surround the card name in (((triple round parentheses))), like this: Drunkien Thunderdrummer. Or to protect against future name changes, find the card's ID from the URL (23193 in this case), and put triple round parentheses round "C" followed by that number: so (((C23193))) turns into Drunkien Thunderdrummer.

what if I give it "protection from instants and sorceries"? fits the fantasy dwarf theme a bit better then shroud; without being that annoying.

Annoyingly; also a blue-like ability; though as being kinda blue-hate I can see it.

Heck it's a wall; so giving it flat out prot-blue isn't accidentally also giving it evasion.

Was also gonna comment that it seemed pricey for a wall of its size; but Ogre Sentry reassures me that power on a wall is pricey; and there's various "Wall with other ability" about this size at cost; so I guess I learned something.

Yeah, to get much cheaper even on a wall you have to have another drawback, like Cinder Wall. (Which incidentally is hilarious to use with Rolling Stones, because it doesn't say anything about attacking.)

pro sor/ins it is then.

2013-03-24 01:07:29: aether_tech edited Dwarven Survivor
2017-03-06 06:42:59: aether_tech edited Dwarven Survivor:

Changed to pro instant/sorcery cmc 2 or less; and gave it a way to ignore defender.

2017-03-07 19:07:53: aether_tech edited Dwarven Survivor:

changed from 4 other, to 3 other.

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